
German clothes for Russian are easily translated

Clothing from Germany now is very popular in Russia, as most consumers are fed up with cheap Chinese goods. A modern consumer wants a quality product for a reasonable price.

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This choice is determined by the following factors: traditional German quality, time-tested, originality of models, pleasant color solution, fashion trends and a wide range of sizes. It's no secret that the catalogs are mainly for women. The current situation is that many of the Russian customers for thirty years have a non-standard figure, therefore, there is a need to emphasize the dignity and hide its shortcomings.

Distribution of German clothing in Russia has a predominantly catalog option and through Internet commerce, which in itself is very convenient. The decision to buy is taken in a comfortable environment, on the couch or at the computer. But you can get a little confused, because the German clothing sizes do not always translate into Russian.

Thus, buying women's clothing from a German manufacturer through an online store and directory, customers do not risk anything at all, because the payment is made upon receipt of the parcel. In addition, it is possible to exchange goods in accordance with the law on consumer protection. But still there is a chance of choosing the wrong size of clothes. It is this fact that can spoil all the joy of buying.

To avoid this problem, each directory, as a rule, on the last page has a table that translates German clothing sizes into Russian. In it, information is presented in a convenient for perception option in accordance with the categories of clothing selected. The table of the sizes of German clothes allows to define the size in accordance with the growth of the woman and the basic parameters of the volume. Of course, the best option is fitting, because, in addition to the discrepancy in size, the product may not be suitable for color, fabric texture, style and other reasons.

It is for this purpose that there is a system of correspondence that allows correctly translating German clothing sizes into Russians. It's easy to get confused, so arm yourself with a centimeter and patience. Let's deal with these subtleties, and in this the table of the sizes of German clothes will help.

Small features

To begin with, it should be noted that the German sizes of women's clothing have a direct dependence on growth. And the most accurate formula, allowing you to translate the German clothing sizes into Russian, is a simple detachment of 8 of your usual clothing size. Let's give a simple example: you are the owner of the Russian 48th, so in the German catalog your size is 40. But these are only general recommendations. If we choose T-shirts, pullovers, blouses, then the dominance of translation into Russian size becomes the girth of the chest. For corsets, the size of the waist is the determining one. When choosing a category of clothing such as jeans, trousers, skirts, shorts, bridges, pay special attention to the hips, waist and height.

Of course, each female figure is unique in its own way. In order to determine the ideal German size, it should be remembered that the main dimensional criteria, due to which the German clothing sizes are translated into Russian, are the growth, the volume of the chest, waist and hips.

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