BeautySkin care

Folk remedies for acne and acne on the face and medicines

Acne, or acne, is a dermatological disease that manifests itself in the appearance of acne or black spots on the face, back, arms. Such a defect, as a rule, occurs as a result of the development of inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands and an increase in the secretion of sebum. Today we will talk about medicines, and also consider folk remedies for acne and acne on the face.

Types of acne

  • Comedones are white pimples. They appear on the face as a result of clogging the pores or hair follicles with a septic tube. There are two types of comedones: open and closed. They are all manifestations of the first stage (mild form) of acne. Open comedon under the influence of oxygen changes its color. As a result, a "black pimple" is formed. A closed comedo is a small white ball under the skin.
  • Papulopustular acne occurs as a result of inflammation of comedones. Papules are bluish or red pimples. When you click on them, you feel pain, and the inflamed comedon becomes white. Pustule differs from the papule by the presence of pus in the pimple hole. When you press your fingers, this content breaks through the upper layers of the skin and comes out to the surface. Papulopustular pimples also have the name "red pimples".
  • Nodular-cystic acne is formed in the deep layers of the skin of the face. Such a disease can develop for several years. Nodular-cystic acne requires systemic treatment.
  • Lightning acne is a serious problem that requires long-term medication.

Degrees of severity of the disease

The first degree is characterized by inflammation of certain areas of the skin of the face. As a result, there are comedones, sometimes there are rare papules and pustules.

In the second stage, almost all of the facial skin is covered with acne. There are comedones and papulopustular pimples on the body.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process. It can cause itching and redness of the skin of the face.

At the fourth stage, the inflammatory process penetrates into the deepest layers of the dermis. As a result, spherical pimples appear bluish or red. Such a disease requires systemic treatment.

Causes of acne

Skin of the face is strongly exposed to the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. The appearance of acne can be provoked by various causes. Consider the most common of them:

  • Hormonal failures. In adolescence, there is a restructuring of all systems of the body. At this time, more hormones are released that stimulate the secretion of sebum and provoke the appearance of acne.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Dysfunction of the day and malnutrition. Frequent consumption of fatty foods, sweet, carbonated drinks leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, the production of sebum increases, and acne appears on the face.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Disorders of the liver.
  • Genetic predisposition to acne formation.
  • Poor quality of face skin hygiene.
  • Stresses and emotional shocks cause disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, which is manifested in the appearance of acne on the body.
  • Climatic factors.

Products that cause the appearance of acne

The health of the facial skin is closely related to the person's way of life. Malnutrition often leads to various dermatological diseases, including acne. So, what foods should be excluded from your diet to avoid the appearance of acne?

  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks adversely affect the metabolism. As a result, the production of sebum increases, and pimples appear.
  • Flax and sweet foods should also be used with caution. People suffering from permanent acne, it is necessary to completely exclude from their diet such desserts.
  • Fatty dairy products. Completely exclude these dishes from the diet can not, you should just limit their use.
  • Semi-finished and fast food are dangerous not only for the stomach, but for the skin.
  • Too fat and spicy dishes provoke fermentation in the stomach and inflammation of the skin.

Acne Treatment

At the first stages of the treatment of the disease, folk remedies for acne and acne are effective. During this period, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the skin and exclude factors that cause rash.

The third and fourth stages of the disease development require serious therapy. Depending on the causes and nature of acne, a doctor can prescribe antibiotics, special cosmetic products, a variety of masks, gels and creams.

Regular external application of topical drugs in combination with general drug therapy gives positive results a few months after the start of treatment. However, the use of such drugs (antibiotics, retinoids) should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

So, how to treat acne with medications?


Drug therapy for acne is including the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic agents.

Let's consider the basic substances which are a part of anti-acne preparations:

  • Salicylic acid. The substance has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, quickly eliminates the inflammatory process. In addition, it dries the skin and heals post-acne (spots that remain after acne).
  • Azelaic acid. Has antiseptic properties, quickly blocks inflammation. Reduces the amount of free fatty acids on the surface of the skin.
  • Retinoids are substances that are similar in structure to vitamin A. The external application of such drugs allows you to get rid of acne in a short time. Retinoids slow down the growth and maturation of skin cells, reduce the amount of sebum.

Consider the most popular and effective antiseptic remedies for acne and acne on the face.

Antiseptic drugs against acne

  • "Streptocide". Antimicrobial drug is prescribed for various skin diseases, including acne and rashes.
  • Gel "Metrogil" is an effective cure for acne. The drug has a bactericidal effect. The gel "Metrogil" is prescribed for the treatment of acne and pink acne in adolescents.
  • "Effezel" gel stops the formation of comedones (prevents excessive production of subcutaneous fat), removes inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Suspension "Tsindol" - eliminates the foci of inflammation, soothes and dries the skin.
  • Cream-gel from acne Skinoren. Reduces the number of comedones, removes inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect.
  • "Differin" is a retinoid drug with anti-acne action. Eliminates foci of inflammation, dries the skin.
  • Gel "Klensit" stops the production of subcutaneous fat and prevents the formation of acne. It is used in the light stages of the disease, in some cases is part of the complex therapy of severe forms of acne.


Antibiotics for external use are effective remedies for acne and acne on the face. Consider the most popular abiotic drugs that are used to treat diseases of the dermis:

  • Ointment for acne and acne Zinerit. The active substance of the ointment is erythromycin. In combination with zinc acetate, this antibiotic has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, "Zinerit" reduces the secretion of sebum and prevents the formation of new foci of inflammation.
  • Dalatsin-T. The active substance of the drug is clindamycin. "Dalatsin-T" is used for the treatment of inflammatory acne, ulcers, nodular-cystic acne.
  • The gel "Isotrexin" contains the antibiotic erythromycin and the retinoid isotretinoin. It is used to treat severe forms of acne. Has antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation, reduces the secretion of subcutaneous fat.
  • "Clenzite-C". The active substance of the drug is clindamycin. The antibiotic quickly destroys the bacteria that cause the formation of acne.

How to treat acne with the help of folk remedies?

Recipes of alternative medicine will help to cope with the mild form of acne. Various herbs can be used to prepare decoctions and tinctures, compresses and ointments against acne.

Which plants should be included in the anti-acne agents?

  • Calendula has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on calendula make effective masks from acne in the home.
  • Aloe is a universal plant that is often used for the treatment of skin diseases. It contains a large number of useful vitamins. Thanks to this, aloe promotes the development of local immunity and eliminates comedones.
  • Purity is bactericidal and analgesic, removes inflammation and soothes the skin.
  • Dandelion - nourishes the skin with useful substances, has anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Chamomile is a real find for people who suffer from various dermatological diseases. The plant gently affects the skin, soothes it, removes inflammation and promotes rapid eradication of the rash.

Folk recipes based on celandine

Folk remedies for acne and acne on the face on the basis of celandine can quickly get rid of inflammation and give the skin a healthy appearance.

To prepare an effective anti-heating decoction, grind 4 tbsp. L. Herbs celandine and pour it with boiling water (half a liter). Cook the mixture for 5 minutes and leave it under the lid for several hours. Every day, do compresses with this tool.

Traditional recipes based on calendula

Based on calendula, you can make effective remedies for acne in the home.

To make the tincture, take the inflorescence of the plant (1 tablespoon), add boiling water (half a liter) to them and leave in a warm place for half an hour. Daily make lotions such a tool.

In addition, you can prepare tincture based on calendula and honey, which has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and effectively copes with acne. To do this, take 1 tbsp. L. Tinctures of calendula (you can make it yourself or buy at a pharmacy), 1 tsp. Honey and a glass of water. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Do compress daily.

Masks from acne

With simple products you can prepare effective masks from acne in the home. Consider the most popular recipes:

  • Kefir mask. Take the oatmeal and carefully rub it into powder. 1 tbsp. L. Of oatmeal mixed with yogurt (1 cup) and add 1 drop of lemon oil. Blend the mixture on the problem areas for half an hour.
  • Onion mask. Take 1 onion and grind it on a grater. Mix 1 tsp. Obtained gruel with a small spoonful of sugar. Then grind the laundry soap and add it to the onion-sugar mixture. Once a week, apply the onion mask to the problem areas for 15 minutes.
  • Honey mask effectively fights with pimples and unpleasant itching. For its preparation you will need honey (2 tsp), freshly squeezed lemon juice (a few drops) and yolk. Apply the mixture to the problem areas for 15 minutes. This mask not only helps to quickly get rid of acne, but also tones and refreshes the skin, improves its color.

Features of care for problem skin

  • Extrude pimples and acne is strictly prohibited. This can lead not only to skin injuries, but to even more inflammation.
  • You can not wash more than twice a day. Sebaceous glands secrete skin fat, which protects the dermis from damage and over-drying. Frequent washing leads to a violation of these functions. That's why the glands begin to produce more and more fat, which provokes the appearance of acne.
  • If your skin is prone to acne, you need to normalize the regime of the day and nutrition. It should be excluded from the diet of sweet and fatty foods, as well as flour products.
  • Once a week, it is recommended to do a peeling. This will help to cleanse the skin and get rid of dead cells.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • You should use special cosmetics for fat-prone skin.
  • Avoid frequent sun exposure.

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