Beauty, Hair
Eyebrow coloring is a great way to transform every woman
Female eyebrows, eyelashes and, of course, eyes are sung by poets. And this is not accidental, because they are the most important "weapon" in the art of capturing men. That is why it is important to maintain their "fighting capacity", that is, to look after them.
Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes will not be superfluous in creating the ideal female image, which is subject to fascination of representatives of the strong half of humanity. We will talk about this in this article.
To give your face expressiveness, women have long used all sorts of tricks. They daily draw eyebrows, so that their contour was beautiful and clear, tinted eyes and eyelashes, giving them volume and color. The goal of all cosmetic manipulations is one - creating an attractive and spectacular image.
However, the modern possibilities of beauty salons help to simplify the care of yourself, replacing it with some procedures. The most popular cosmetic procedure is the coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes, which is carried out by strengthening or changing the natural color with chemical or natural dyes.
It is from the beautiful shape of the eyebrows that the effeciency of a woman depends, as well as the expression of her face. Therefore, plucking eyebrows, you need to carefully think through their future shape, in order to achieve the desired result. Also, you need to clearly represent your future image in the light of fashion trends and the structure of your own face.
Coloring the eyebrows can make them not just expressive, but also as natural as possible, the main thing is to choose the right color for them. A true professional with the help of good paint can create a miracle with any eyebrows: make them long, thick, to give the desired shape.
Both eyebrows and eyelashes, painted with paint, will look much more effective than those painted with a pencil or ink. This is due to the fact that during the salon procedure even the most inconspicuous hairs are stained, which contributes to the expressive look.
Undoubted advantage is a wide range of colors for eyebrows and eyelashes, which allows you to choose each woman their own perfect shade. And if for eyebrows most often choose gray or brown colors, then eyelashes often stain black.
The effect of the staining procedure lasts very long (almost 4 weeks), after which it can be repeated and the color restored.
To color the eyebrows, you need: a brush with a corrugated tip, a set of cotton buds, cotton wool to protect from eye paint, a cape, as well as a bowl for mixing the dye (non-metallic), brush and scapula.
Are there any contraindications to staining eyebrows and eyelashes?
Eyebrows should not be colored if there is a tendency to inflammatory eye diseases.
Care for colored eyebrows and eyelashes
Care for them should be almost the same as for the unpainted, that is, natural eyebrows and eyelashes. That is, comb them daily with a small special brush, periodically make oil compresses with olive or castor oil (at least 1-2 times a week) and avoid prolonged exposure to scorching sun rays.
What color is the coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes most often?
Since ancient times, only natural dyes such as henna and basma have been used by women for coloring . After all, in addition to being safe and environmentally friendly, they also strengthen hair.
In today's world, the use of natural dyes is not fundamental, because professional paints are represented by a wider color palette and gopoallergenny. The master in the beauty salon can choose the perfect shade that will harmonize with the natural color of your hair. Pick up the paint you need one shade with your own hair or 2-3 shades darker.
Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes is a great way to transform, accessible to every woman. This procedure seems simple at first glance, but it is not so. Therefore, in order to "new" eyebrows and eyelashes pleased you, and not upset, you only need to trust their coloring to a professional.
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