
Error d3dx9_43.dll: what is it? Methods of its correction

Very often, hardcore gamers and users who use specific multimedia programs on computers face the fact that the system at one "perfect" moment gives out the error d3dx9_43.dll, or rather, indicates the absence of a component in the system as dynamic libraries with the common name d3dx9. Dll. Why such situations arise and how to deal with them, we now look.

Error d3dx9_43.dll: what is it?

In general, with regard to the appearance of error messages of this kind, first of all, one must clearly understand their nature. In most cases, they are associated with the wrong operation of the "bridge" DirectX 9 (or rather, its parts in the field of Direct 3D), which provides interaction between the "iron" components of the computer system and the software part of multimedia programs.

If you understand d3dx9_43.dll - what is it, it's worth noting that error messages of this type are not only issued if there is no dynamic library behind the number 43.

Often, there may be no components identified in the system numbers 40, 41, 42, etc. All of them are part of the DirectX platform. By the way, the same errors can appear in all DirectX modifications, only they will be designated, for example, d3dx10_43.dll (for DirectX 10 version), d3dx11_43.dll (for DirectX 11), etc.

Why does the system error d3dx9_43.dll occur?

The reasons for the appearance of system messages containing indications of such errors can be quite a lot. The most common situation is the installation of an outdated computer game into the system.

Since in this case dynamic libraries d3dx9.dll are responsible for graphics processing and interaction of the video accelerator and program files of the game, all the consequences are reduced to the inability to launch the corresponding graphics card drivers.

This situation is typical for obsolete games, where the mandatory condition was the installation of DirectX, but only the lowest version. Of course, in most cases the Windows OS itself does not allow the installation of a version earlier than that, but with disconnected protection or updates, this can happen. After all, what happens? In fact, during the installation process, the original components of a more recent version are replaced with obsolete ones, although the main files can remain unchanged. That turns out to be a disconnect between the individual software components and, as a consequence, the inability of the entire platform and video adapter to function properly in particular.

The simplest method of correction

Now a few words about the file d3dx9_43.dll. What is it, we have already sorted out a little. As it is already clear, since this is the file, the simplest solution is to replace it, if it is present in the form of an outdated version, or download to the system, if it is not available at all.

In principle, today you can find quite a lot of sites offering its download in a single mode. Yes, and do not be afraid if on any site you will find an inscription or a link like "d3dx9_43.dll indir". In this there is nothing unusual. Most likely, you were redirected to the Turkish site, where you are asked to download the file. In fact, the phrase "d3dx9_43.dll indir" can be translated as "loader (download) file" under the same name. On Italian sites the situation is similar, only there the loader or the link to the file is denoted as indire.

Nevertheless, back to the download. The downloaded file will need to be placed at a certain place after the download is complete. In the case of Windows XP, this is the System32 folder in the root directory of the system. If 64-bit versions, say, "seven" or "eight" are used, this folder will have the name SysWOW64.

But do not underestimate the fact that downloading only one file of the dynamic library with the 43rd number, you can not be completely sure that the corresponding error does not appear again, but with respect to another component. And this can be repeated again and again. So, than downloading a bunch of files separately, is it not easier to install DirectX again, and selecting the most recent and current version or assembly?

Full DirectX update

Note immediately that the reinstallation of DirectX is not more complicated than similar operations with other software or drivers. If there is an installation distro, you can use it. However, it is better to go to the official site of Microsoft Corporation and download the latest version from there.

On the resource itself there is a special section, which lists all available versions and updates. I think this option will be most acceptable because of its simplicity, because in this way you can, as they say, kill two birds with one stone: fix mistakes, and at the same time update DirectX itself. After installing the latest version of this software, any graphics, video program or even an outdated game will work much more correctly. This, so to speak, de facto.


Strictly speaking, here we have considered the question of d3dx9_43.dll - what is it, connected both with a separate component of the system, and with the appearance of the corresponding error, its causes and consequences.

How to correct this situation, in general, everyone decides for himself. Naturally, if only one library (43rd) is missing or damaged, you can try to download the missing file. However, in most cases this leads to nothing. I think it's much easier to update DirectX entirely. According to many users and experts in this field, this approach is much easier, besides there are no problems at all. And then you have to search and download files separately. Then to do their copying and so on.

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