Homeliness, Do it yourself
Electroshock with their own hands: a diagram, an instruction for assembly and operation. How to make an electric shocker in the home
Ensuring human security plays an important role, which is why many choose different means of protection. Pneumatic or, for example, firearms are not always available, besides it is unsafe. Electroshock refers to self-defense means for which a license is not required. For this reason, this type of protection has been quite popular for many years.
The choice of such devices is now quite wide, but you can make an electric shocks with your own hands. The diagram below will help you to understand everything easily and quickly. Homemade electric shock does not carry any danger to others and can be used only for self-defense. In this article we will talk about what this device is, how it works. In addition, we will tell you how to make an electric shocks with your own hands, what are the features of its use.
Kinds of electric shocks
Modern factory electric shockers come in different types. Outwardly, they can be of different sizes, differ in power and even have a body in the form of objects such as a flashlight, pen, gun, lipstick, etc. The power in the device can be due to the batteries or the battery. The batteries are installed in less powerful models. Sparking in an electric shock can be low- or high-frequency. Devices with a frequency of 50-80 Hz cause pain in the first second, but do not cause much harm. As a rule, they can only scare. Devices with a frequency of more than 100 Hz allow for a time to neutralize the attacker. The electroshockers differ in that the low-frequency beetles are cracking, the high-frequency ones are buzzing. It is also possible to determine by yourself what an electric shocker is in front of you: more powerful devices are capable of setting fire to paper.
Such devices are used for self-defense in order to neutralize the attacker by the electric discharge. The electric shock creates a strong pain effect and acts on the muscles, paralyzing the attacker for a certain time. Use this device is only allowed to persons who have reached adulthood. To buy an electric shoe in a specialized store or to make it yourself - everyone decides individually. Buy a ready-made device quite costly, but simple. There is an alternative option - to try to make an electric shaker with your own hands. The scheme of such adaptation clearly shows what we will have to face.
The choice of such devices is very large. They differ not only in appearance and power, but also in cost. The diagram of the most simple electric shock does not require high knowledge in the field of electronics, the necessary details are also available for purchase. The manufacture of such a means for self-defense can not be called very simple, in addition, the device must meet a number of requirements. The electric circuit of the electric shock should be thought out so that the device is:
- Compact, inconspicuous, not causing inconvenience while driving;
- Powerful, capable of defusing the attacker and giving you a few seconds to take retaliatory measures;
- With the ability to recharge, since no one needs a one-time tool.
What you need for a self-made electric shock:
- Soldering iron for fusing parts.
- Converter.
- Ferrite rod.
- Capacitor.
- Arrester.
- Wire.
- Transformer.
- Epoxy resin.
- Insulating tape.
Principle of operation
What is the principle of the electric shock? The scheme given in the article assumes the following: the igniting capacitor acts on the transformer, resulting in a spark that penetrates several centimeters of air. The condenser at this moment directly beats with all its energy. Using a conductive channel allows you to charge without large losses, while not only the power of the device is preserved, but also convenient dimensions. How to make an electric shocker at home? Let's get to work.
Transformer - the main part of the device, one of the most difficult to manufacture. For work, the armor core B22, made of ferrite 2000NM, will be required. It will need to reel the enameled wire (0.01 mm). It is necessary to wind it until there is no place in the core about 1.5 mm. An excellent result will be obtained if you wind with electrical tape. The result is 5-6 layers.
It should be noted that it is quite difficult for non-professionals to make an electric shaker with their own hands. The scheme may seem quite simple, but at the time of manufacture there are many details that must be taken into account. Especially it concerns isolation. The wound wire should be isolated with a single layer of electrical tape, and then make 6 more turns, but already a more dense wire with a diameter of about 0.8 mm. Making the third turn, you need to stop and make twist, then you can continue and add 3 more turns. Ensure the strength of the construction can be with superglue. At the end of the work, the cup must be glued together or wrapped again with electrical tape. Contacts should not be in contact with the environment, otherwise we risk damage to ourselves instead of defense.
Next, you need a tube with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 5 cm, made of polypropylene. In an electroshock this part will be a sectional frame. To do this, using a drill to fix the bolt, which in diameter fits the tube, and gently pierce the grooves with a sandpaper. It is important during operation not to damage the pipe and get a section of 2 by 2 mm in size. After that, with a clerical knife, you need to make an incision up to 3 mm wide along the frame, without damaging the pipe.
Second phase
So, we continue to consider how to make an electric shaker with your own hands. For future work, a wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm is required. It must be wound on all sections of the frame, but it should not go beyond. The beginning of the wire for more convenient work is preferably soldered or well fixed with glue, the end of it is left free.
A ferrite rod with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm must be treated with an emery wheel. The result should be a round detail. The Ferrite core must be wrapped in an insulating tape and make 20 turns on top. Use the wire the same as for the first transformer, that is 0.8 mm. Winding necessarily in the same direction, then you need to isolate the wire in several layers.
The main part for a self-made electric shaker
The prepared rod must be inserted inside the frame, from the side where the HV winding ends, and connect the two windings together. After this, the transformer should be placed in a cardboard box and filled with hot paraffin. It only needs to be melted, but not heated to high temperature. Fill the paraffin with a margin, since after solidification it will settle a little. The extra part will be easier to trim. Now we have the basic part, which will allow us to make the electric shocks with our own hands. The diagram clearly shows the location of the main elements.
Charging the device
The igniting coil is charged through the bridge, and the combat one - through additional diodes. Due to this, one chain is not created. A transistor can be used either, there are no special requirements for a resistor either. The capacitor provides a limited current surge, serves to protect the converter. If the circuit assembly of the electric shock device involves the installation of a powerful transistor, then the capacitor can not be used.
Installed batteries size AA in a quantity of 6 pieces. Transistors are mounted on the radiator. It is desirable that it has insulating gaskets. We install all the prepared parts. The most important thing is to fix HV-terminals, the distance between which should be more than 15 mm. Otherwise, the electric shock has all chances to burn out quickly.
Frequency of charge
Use the charger for an electric shock or not, depends on the desire of the owner. As a power supply, batteries are best suited. A specific setting of an electric shocker does not require, it should immediately earn. If you use these batteries, the discharge frequency should be close to 35 Hertz. If this figure is lower, the transformer may be improperly or badly wound, or other transistors should be selected. Experienced need to select the frequency of discharges. This is done by divorcing contacts. Test the frequency of discharges for 5 seconds. The distance should not be as high as possible, otherwise one day the electric shock may burn. Note that air pressure is affected by pressure, humidity and other external conditions.
What do you need for a self-made electric shock? As the body of the device, a dense cardboard is suitable, on which you can immediately draw the arrangement of all the parts, and then proceed to their installation and fastening. Bend the material is best pliers. The glue is applied to the outside. It is important to ensure tightness of the seam. The parts should be pre-arranged inside the case, and then start to fix them in turn.
Determine the location for charging the battery and the start button. It is advisable to heat the electric shock with heat-shrinkage, it will help to drown some elements a little inside and provide very good protection from the external environment. After using the heat shrink, you need to check the operation of the electric shaker again. As protective electrodes, aluminum rivets should be used.
The final stage of manufacturing
After checking the operation of the electric shock and the integrity of the entire system, you can start pouring the device with epoxy resin. After this you need to wait 6-7 hours. At this stage, you can cut off excess parts, give a convenient shape, while the epoxy is not very cold. Process the device can be emery and then cover the finished body with varnish. The operating manual for the electric shock does not require special explanation. This device is used for self-defense purposes, does not cause much harm to health and does not need a license.
Electric Shock Power
If the spark between the contacts of the device is small and raises doubts about the effectiveness, in that case you can check it. How to increase the power of an electric shock? For this purpose, it is sufficient to use a conventional mains fuse, which must be located between the contacts, without creating a direct interaction between them. If the fuse blows, this indicates that the output current is more than 250 mA. As a result of competent work, a compact and reliable means of protection with the required power is obtained.
Shooting Electroshocker
Let's take a closer look at how this device looks. Shooting electroshocker is more complicated in execution. For this reason, many preference is given to the conventional device model. This device works as follows: it has a special unit, which is directly connected to the source of electricity by high-voltage wires; At the moment when the block hits the target, the voltage is applied to the electrodes, and an electric shock occurs. The design itself is difficult to manufacture. To work, you need a shooting system and special wires. The drawbacks of such an electric shocker should also be attributed to the fact that the device must be recharged after use. If there are several attackers, some difficulties may arise, and the electric shock will not provide adequate protection.
Safety when using an electric shock
It is important to remember that you only need to use the device for the intended purpose and for the danger. The electric shock is not fatal. But if a person suffers from heart disease, he may die. A shock to the chest area is dangerous even for a healthy person. It is safe and effective to use the device in the area of the muscles of the press, where there are pain points responsible for coordinating the movement. Such an application will make it possible to disrupt the infringer for some time.
Incorrect use of the electric shock can harm the owner. For example, in wet weather, you can get yourself an electric shock. It is forbidden to use the electric shock in water, near open fire, and also near to explosive objects. The thickness of the attacker's clothing does not affect the quality of the device. It is important to observe the time of exposure of an electric shock to a person. To lose orientation and call for pain, it takes 1-2 seconds to use the device. Prolonged use is unacceptable, as it can lead to fatal electric shock. The effect of using the device lasts an average of 20 minutes. You should avoid contact with the following zones:
- The area of the chest. The heart can refuse, and the person who is used accuse the excess of the necessary self-defense, which caused death.
- Neck.
- Solar plexus. A person can suffocate.
- Head. Possible cerebral hemorrhage.
There are a lot of ways to create an electric shocker at home, and we considered only one of them. In each case, you need to take into account certain features and subtleties, so as not to spoil the details and do not redo the work several times. The material for making the electric shocks and the result of the efforts depend on the skill and experience of the specialist. You can buy the necessary parts or get them from another unnecessary technique. In addition, the device can be equipped with a flashlight for convenience. It already depends on personal wishes.
The market presents a large number of different models of electric shocks, which also differ in power. For self-protection purposes, it is allowed to use an electric shocker up to 3 W, and only after reaching the age of majority. Devices with higher power are allowed only for special services. Now you know how to make an electric shocker at home. We hope that our article will be useful and help to make a quality self-defense tool that will fully meet your expectations and will last for a long time.
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