
Duchess Catherine: the ordinary story of the future queen

In 1982, there was a significant event - the then-unknown future duchess Catherine was born. Young Kate Middleton made her first sigh on January 9, when the planet was patronized by the constellation of Capricorn. Perhaps, it was the date of birth that allowed the baby from the very beginning of her life to soberly look at everything that is happening around her. She never set herself such goals, the achievement of which would be impossible.

The future Duchess Catherine was born in fact in an ordinary family in the British county of Berkshire. Her ancestors belong to the working class, they were miners. And as for the parents themselves, their acquaintance was favored by the angels themselves, as it happened in the sky. Kate's mother was a flight attendant, and her father was a dispatcher. Five years after the birth of the baby, her parents realized that it's impossible to earn one by working in aviation, in order to feed the family. They open their business, engaged in the delivery of festive goods. It was this once-small firm that made the Middletown family millionaires.

The abundance, which greatly increased in the Middleton family, contributed to the fact that the Duchess Catherine had studied at the Marlborough College, after which she successfully entered St. Andrews, a prestigious university. It was in it that she met her future husband - Prince William. For the first few years the young couple studied the history of the arts at the corresponding faculty, but then the young man from the royal family decided to change the direction of his education and transferred. Now he was trained in geographical knowledge. However, the choice of the faculty for him was not a matter of principle, since he planned to drop his studies altogether. However, there are rumors that it was the future Duchess Catherine who persuaded him not to make such a big mistake.

At the end of the university, each of them engaged in their own affairs, and in 2007, fate scattered them on different sides of England. The long separation caused the young people to officially announce their separation. However, within a few months, the lovers were again noticed together.

In 2010, the engagement of Kate and the prince was held, and the next year a wedding was played. At that moment, the society became interested in the new question: "Is the Duchess Catherine pregnant?" Photos and information that was printed in every newspaper, now and then proved or denied rumors of pregnancy.

Despite his royal origin, the prince regularly serves. In order for his work not to separate the couple, they moved to the island of Anglesey, where William serves as a pilot. And, undoubtedly, he is a bright representative of those honest and valiant people who will never use their position for personal purposes. Both Kate and William always believed that from work membership of the royal family does not save them.

At the moment, the girl born in the distant 1982 has an official title, since the wedding she is Katherine Duchess of Cambridge. Unlike many other famous personalities, Kate has not lost her popularity so far, despite the fact that the affair with the prince has long since ended with a wedding. And the birth of the child even more attracted the attention of journalists.

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