
Details on how to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki

Those users who regularly visit the popular social network "OK" know that on this service you can send postcards to your friends and other users. We will discuss this function in detail. Send a birthday card in "Classmates" to their loved ones is very simple. However, it is necessary to know how this is done correctly.

Payable service

In this article we will give a detailed description of the ways with which you can send a card to a friend in "Classmates". In addition to the many advantages of such colorful congratulations in the social network "OK", there is also one big drawback that you can not use the described opportunity absolutely free of charge, although earlier, of course, it could be done without additional fees. Still, if you still have a desire to learn how to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki, then read this article carefully until the very end.


Previously, there was a special application, with the help of which there was an opportunity to send congratulations to any participant for free. This solution worked only in Internet Explorer 6 or 7 versions. The most interesting thing was that only the user who had also installed such an application could receive a card. Now we want to please you, now there is a way, with the help of it you can decide how to send a postcard in "Odnoklassniki" absolutely free of charge, and the most interesting is that it is very simple.


Send users postcards in the social network "OK" from 2011. An application with an appropriate name contains a large number of colorful pictures that can be easily selected for any occasion of life. You can use these images for free. The big advantage of this application is that it works in all browsers that currently exist. So, let's move on to a manual that will teach you how to send postcards in the social network "Odnoklassniki" for free. First you need to log in to the social network with your login and password. Next, you can find the section "Postcards", you need to go to it. We carefully study the menu. The first tab called "My cards" will contain all the congratulations that were sent to you by relatives and friends. Surely you already could notice that below the mailbox there are reminders about the next holidays and important events, including information about the dates (birthdays of your close people).


The question is, how to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki is not difficult. Paying your attention to the second tab called the "Catalog of Postcards", and going into it, you will be able to see a large number of colorful images, divided into categories. There is also a special function that allows each user to choose a category. Therefore, using this development, you can significantly reduce the process. In order for the question, how to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki, was completely solved, first you should choose the cover that you plan to send, after which you should specify the friend to whom the congratulation will be sent. By the way, if you are interested in a corporate (paid) option for sending greetings, you need to go to the "Gifts" section.

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