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Children's and adult velomobil with their own hands. Reviews about the manufacturers of velomobiles

Velomobil - a vehicle that is a hybrid car with a bicycle. From the car he "inherited" the stability and comfortable transportation of passengers, from the bike - ease of use, environmental friendliness and low cost. Its merits in comparison with the latter - the best streamlining, ease of landing and the ability to provide protection from rain.

What does he look like

This mode of transport is designed for driving on flat roads with asphalt pavement. It is impossible to carry it to bicycles: the seat in it is of automotive type, equipped with a fairing - either full or partial, has at least three wheels not in line.

Almost all models of velomobiles can be used by both children and adults. The seat in them is adjusted to the height and age of the driver thanks to a special regulator. Calculated mainly for adult models differ from "purely childish" large dimensions.

The number of accessories and all kinds of bonuses in them is directly related to the cost. Expensive models are equipped with active suspension, special chain transmission, rubber wheels. Each of them has its own set, which can be specified in the shop of a consultant.

About the benefits and safety

What can you say about the safety of velomobiles? This issue worries not only the parents of children who ask for a purchase, but also adult potential drivers.

Velomobili (or cycling) is much safer than bicycles - we hurry to reassure parents. Comfort and protection from external influences is ensured by the strength of the metal frame and reliable fastening of the wheels. Even if a small driver disperse an "iron friend" to a decent speed, nothing terrible will happen. Inside the same design it is important to take care of the good fixation of the seat.

Traveling on a velomobile for both children and adults is an excellent entertainment. The very process of riding can bring a huge amount of positive. But this occupation is also useful, especially for children whose muscles are in need of training. In this sense, the velomobile is an excellent simulator. Driving helps to strengthen immunity, promote good coordination and improve metabolism.

In addition, this non-standard vehicle works for the owner's image (especially if it's a teenager or a child).

To men for a note

Can I make a velomobile (adult) with my own hands? Practice shows that this is quite achievable. First you need to decide on the model, the number of wheels and passenger seats. For example, you want a three-wheeled velomobile - an adult, not a "baby" one. At once it is necessary to be defined with a body - it should possess the greatest possible width and spaciousness.

In addition, decide what kind of mechanism you will have for rotating parts.

Of course, it is not so easy to assemble such a construction with your own hands. But having studied some literature on the topic and got acquainted with the drawings, you, having even initial skills, will achieve success.

Adult velomobil: device and features

The basis of its design is quite a standard carriage, exactly the same as in road bicycles. With the gearbox located under the driver's seat, an asterisk is connected by means of a chain, which is the basis of the design. The reducer is attached to special brackets designed for it, welded to the frame (specifically - to its longitudinal members). The second gear unit connects to the multi-speed hub located on the rear wheel.

The seat of the velomobile is a frame, covered with dermantinom or net tissue (most comfortable). Stretched on the frame material from behind is attached with a lace.

On the velomobile it is possible to install a cabin providing flow. It, like the front wheels, is attached to another basic part - the crosspiece (pipe), which is also located on the frame. The availability of these basic design details of our vehicle ensures the performance of a minimum of basic functions.

When the driver is not alone

Recently, the popularity of single-seat velomobiles is slowly vanishing - they are being replaced by double or even quadruple models. Velomobil for two adults is already popular at least one-seater. And the parents who purchase such a design for their own children, and even more so appreciate the advantage of the two-seater model - saving money and energy (it's easier to keep track of one vehicle with two kids than two separate ones). Yes, and a couple of skaters together is more interesting.

Manufacturers, having discovered the growing demand for double models, immediately responded by increasing their output.

But the four-seater adult velomobile can be called a true family crew. After all, he is able to accommodate mother, father and a couple of children. Than not a car with pedals! It is practical, convenient, durable in use, and it can be managed only by one of the adults.

Velomobil for children and adults: choose a manufacturer

Velomobiles PUKY can serve as a model for this type of product. In their development, the most stringent innovative safety standards have been taken into account. The design of the given velomobiles for the anatomical features of the child's organism is calculated and serves to strengthen children's health.

Velmobili brand Berg are popular because of the strength of the design. The seats in them are equipped with a convenient fixation, ensuring stability during driving. They, among other things, are extremely reliable and can serve for 10 years or more. They are easy to manage, on such a velomobile you can go to conquer any slope.

Models Smart F1 buy small riders for growth. The seat is adjusted and moves along the frame depending on the height. There is a manual brake for added safety, pneumatic wheels allow you to ride not only on the asphalt.

Other Models

In the Smart Ub model, the structure of increased strength. The seat is a real armchair, equipped with bumpers to support the back. Powerful wheels are not afraid of attacks on stones and obstacles. The seat is also adjustable.

Velomobili from the popular manufacturer of sports equipment KETTLER do not need advertising. After all, the motto "The real German quality" is widely heard. They are designed and manufactured by applying patents both to their own inventions and to European ones.

Adult walking mammoth velomobiles are popular among adult consumers. What it is? According to consumers, the velomobile MBM Professional is just a powerful tiger! Moving from the car to this unit, you will get an incomparable pleasure.

Withstands such an adult velomobile up to 150 kg of weight, is equipped with two gears - front and rear. A flashlight is in front - welcome for a walk in the twilight. Adjustable as the steering wheel, and the seat. Welding of a skeleton is made by the oxygen method providing durability of any of seams.

Let's talk about the price

A legitimate question that interests every buyer - and what is the price of a velomobile? Adult (and a children's velomobile) at its cost can be attributed to one of two price categories. The first include aggregates of the so-called economy class, worth 10-30 thousand rubles. Such low-cost options have only a basic set of characteristics and can at best be equipped with only a front spoiler, independent suspension, AF drive and dual-hinged control.

Another thing is the premium class. The price of such velomobiles is in the range of 35-90 thousand rubles. For this money you will get a lot of additional bonuses, to list all of them is not easy. For example, a sports steering wheel or seat, safety arches, disc type brakes, protective wings from dirt - up to the on-board computer.

Rent a car

If you are not yet ready to buy, but want to try riding a velomobile, you can consider a rental option. Of course, the adult car is an adult car, for example, you will hardly find it at the box office, but any city park is usually ready to provide an option for children. For the child, you can rent even a model with a motor running from the battery.

If the idea of having a stationary car with an electric motor does not leave you, then it would be reasonable to buy an ordinary adult velomobile and equip it with an engine alone, since in our country the sale of such equipment is still rare.

Not only a velomobile

The closest relative of a velomobile can be considered an adult three-wheeled (freight) bicycle. They are also used for walking, transporting goods and even for commercial purposes. In a sense, it is even more practical than a velomobile, which is still seen as a means for entertainment and travel.

If you prefer a tricycle to a velomobile, then its choice should also be made depending on the needs. Decide if you need the simplest option for walking (low cost), or you have to carry a lot of luggage and overcome the broken terrain. In this case, take care of the presence of a gear shift system with a transmission. Accordingly, and the price will be higher.

There are options

There are many varieties of tricycles, as well as velomobiles. For example, it can be a half-lying tricycle with a front wheel arrangement (standard or tandem), electric - with a motor, folding - with a movable luggage compartment on hinges.

For the elderly or weakened people, special models with a low frame that facilitates planting and handling are developed. For fans of joint walks - tandems, where the duties of twisting the pedals are divided in half. True, because of the considerable size of such bicycles are best kept in the garage.

Particularly stylish looks three-wheeled chopper - a bicycle of unusual shape, though, and the price is rather big.

Tricycles, like velomobiles, can be designed for two passengers. Unlike the tandem seats are located next to each other. It is not necessary to comply with consistency, pedals can and someone is one of the two. This is an excellent option for leisurely city walks.

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