Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Characteristics of the guests of Famusov at the ball. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
In his comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov showed the clash of the old and new generation confronting each other, the ideologies of the century of the past and the present century. People come to the ball of Famusov, who make up the cream of the society, a kind of Moscow capital elite. They are many-sided and do not hide their serf views at all, they are full of ignorance, vulgarity, greed and riches. The description of all the guests of Famusov speaks for itself. Chatsky will devote a lot of his winged statements to them.
Characteristics of the guests of Famusov at the ball
In the house of Famusov, even before the arrival of the guests, Colonel Skalozub appears - a huge ignoramus and careerist, who in his dreams - to make the whole of Russian society live according to the barracks statute. He is a staunch supporter of the old order, rich and wants to be generals. He became the most welcome guest in the house of Famusov. The reason for the arrival of Skalozub was the search for a rich bride. Therefore Famusov immediately noticed him and found him a very promising bridegroom for his daughter Sophia.
Then the guests of Famusov began to come to the ball one by one. The very first comes Goritsche couple. This is an unremarkable typical married couple. In general, the characteristics of the guests of Famusov at the ball are quite interesting: Griboyedov subtly emphasized in them the types of people from the secular society of that time. So, in the sequel, Chatsky is well acquainted with Platon Gorich, they served together and even made friends. It was a very cheerful, energetic and cheerful person, but after marrying a woman with a character - Natalia Dmitrievna - he changed, became henpecked and a servant boy. Now she does not give him even a mouth to open. But Gorich was already used to this and even resigned himself to his position. Chatsky, Platon Mikhailovich complains that, he supposed, he is not the same as he used to be.
Following the Goriches family, a princely family of the Tugoukhovskys comes to the ball to Famusov. The mother of the family is very much concerned about finding the groom for her daughters. She immediately noticed the young Chatsky and wanted to invite him to his house, but, having learned that he was not rich and did not have a high rank, immediately changed his mind. In her opinion, it's better to be bad, but that at least two thousand serfs had.
And then two young ladies of Khrymina went to the ball. This is the granddaughter of Hryumin, always displeased with everything and angry at the whole world because she can not find a groom, and her half-dead grandmother. Not having time to come to the ball, Hryumina-granddaughter immediately regretted that it was very early and that she had no one to talk to and no one to dance with. And to get acquainted with someone for whom you could marry, there was absolutely no chance. She expresses her admiration for everything overseas and gives her passion for "fashionable shops." His arrogance touches Chatsky, and he pours out terse remarks in her address.
Zagoretsky and Khlystov
At the ball at Famusov, it turns out and Zagoretsky - a jerk, a liar, a gambler, a rogue and a rascal. However, despite all its annihilating characteristics, it is still accepted in high society, and Famusov's doors were also open to him. His low, but very helpful nature in the literal sense of all disposes and deceives. He always appears at the right time and at the right time to serve some esteemed nobleman.
At the ball certainly drove and despotic rough lady Khlestov 60 years. She always takes her opinion and knows herself the price. With serfs, she does not stand on ceremony. And at the ball Khlestova took a dog and a woman arabka. For this person there is no difference between a serf and a dog, everything to her amusement.
Other guests of Famusov
The most recent guest of the ball was Repetilov. He is a man of a very unreliable, disreputable and vulgar idea of the time. Repetilov constantly talks about some "secret alliances" and "secret meetings", where they drink a lot of champagne and talk about forbidden topics. He, in his own mercenary aims, uses the favor of people from high society to him.
Characterization of the guests of Famusov at the ball is not exhausted, there were many other characters from the secular society, but Griboyedov marked them with the letters N and D. They became the disseminators of the rumor about Chatsky's madness, although they themselves did not believe it, but listened with pleasure, What others say. In the image of these small gossip, the interests of Famus society are shown in the pursuit of wealth, honors and gossip.
Chatsky - one of the few who differed from Famusov's guests. In his nature, typical Decembrist traits were traced. He is ardent, free-loving and openly expresses his opinion. He does not like admiration of foreigners, he opposes serfdom and despises adultery, and not serving the cause.
The characteristic of the guests of Famusov at the ball is literally a classic one. In the circle of this crowd Chatsky spent only a day and immediately realized its true values, after which there was no hope of meeting like-minded people. Chatsky could not look indifferently at all this, and as a result, after several unflattering remarks, he demands a carriage and leaves Moscow.
The ball in Famusov's house is a very important part of the work "Woe from Wit". Chatsky did not come to Moscow for three years and did not give any news about himself. Suddenly, all of a sudden, he appears in the house of Famusov. And what he sees, does not suit him at all, and maybe even shock.
Characterization of the guests of Famusov at the ball shows that such a society has gradually become obsolete, its views are already very outdated, and advanced ideas have just begun to break through the thick of hypocrisy, profit and deceit. Griboyedov wrote the play "Woe from Wit" in retaliation, because in society he also felt "crazy" Chatsky, unprepared to put up with the existing state of affairs.
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