Business, Agriculture
Cameroon Goat: Features of Care and Maintenance
In recent years, many domestic farmers have begun to show increased interest in dwarf goats. These animals were domesticated by the inhabitants of the Middle East about nine millennia ago. On the territory of modern Europe and Russia they were brought from the African continent. After reading this article, you will find out what the Cameroonian goat is valued for.
Brief description of the exteriors and character of the breed
These animals are not large in size. The weight of adult females is about 15 kilograms, males - 17-25 kilograms. As a rule, dwarf goats do not grow above half a meter, and the length of their barrel-shaped squat body can reach 70 centimeters. The heads of the animals are decorated with large standing ears, a small beard and horns bent back, which is almost impossible to cause injury.
The compact goat body is covered with thick short hair. As for the color, it varies from caramel to dark brown and from ashy to charcoal black.
Miniature unpretentious Cameroonian goat has a gentle gentle nature. It is valued not only for its peaceful nature, but also because it is practically not subject to diseases typical for cattle. In addition, animals are easy enough to train, so they can be kept as a pet.
A few words about productivity
Cameroonian goat, whose price starts from 3000-5000 rubles, for one lamb brings at least two kids. Pregnancy of these animals usually lasts about five months. Farmers repeatedly recorded cases when they harvested two litters a year. The weight of newborn kids is not more than 350 grams. And the kids are so well developed that literally a few minutes after birth they are able to stand on their own. By the age of three months they are already actively moving around.
On average, one Cameroonian goat is capable of giving 1-2 kilograms of milk per day, the fat content of which is 6%. This product, which contains a large amount of potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, has no smell and is characterized by excellent taste. In the refrigerator, goat milk can be stored for up to two weeks. Meat of this animal is considered an excellent alternative to dietary chicken or rabbit meat. There is practically no fatty layer in it.
Features of maintenance and care
Despite the fact that these miniature goats perfectly adapt to any terrain, they are not recommended to breed in swampy and circumpolar regions. Their content does not require significant costs.
The Cameroonian goat is not fastidious in eating. It can be fed with fresh grass, corn, vegetables and apples. They will not refuse from specialized forages. If necessary, they can climb trees behind leaves or twigs.
The room where the mini-goats are kept must be clean and dry. It is recommended to cover the floor with straw.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
These unpretentious compact animals can withstand the heat and cold. The maintenance of prolific mini-goats does not require significant financial costs. They are quite friendly, not bad to be trained and resistant to most infectious diseases.
Like any other breed, the Cameroonian goats have several significant flaws, which should be taken into account by those who seriously decided to cultivate them. First of all, it is necessary to remember that these animals do not adapt well to the raw climate. In addition, they do not tolerate loneliness, so it is advisable that near the mini-goats there are always relatives. A very frightened animal can show incredible stubbornness and can even bodnut.
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