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"Business" of all life, or What is dangerous masturbation?

Today, it's just impossible to turn on the TV - jokes about masturbation are constantly flying off the blue screens! There is an impression that this whole poor planet is engaged in this meager and questionable business! And someone to a lesser extent, and someone - more, one - in early childhood, and others - in the late teenage. It's just some kind of horror! This is immoral and, most importantly, harmful! Yes, yes, you heard correctly! Let's find out how dangerous masturbation is for an adult and a child.

Often, sexual relations are completely wrong ideas. The fact is that many physiological features of a person, as well as small deviations from the natural norm, are accepted by us for this or that disease and cause some unreasonable anxieties and apprehensions. But not in the case of masturbation. It's really not so simple as it seems!

What is dangerous for masturbation in large numbers for an adult?

Of course, harm from excessive masturbation is applied slowly, but it is true - from one stage to another. Scientists-sexologists distinguish several degrees of negative influence of masturbation for an adult.

  1. First comes the stage of mental and physical immorality.
  2. Then there are those or other diseases of the nervous system.
  3. The third stage is aggressive psychosis.

Of course, the above-described stages in the development of excessive masturbation do not apply to everyone. In the risk zone, as we have already noticed, those people who are fond of masturbation. In addition, the fans of this case are threatened with both moral and physical exhaustion, and the development of certain diseases.

Is masturbation dangerous for children?

Yes, but only in the following cases:

  • If in the childhood (or early adolescence) the body receives excessive and unbearable sexual emotions (experiences);
  • Constant and immeasurable masturbation, exceeding in several times the need of the organism itself in the sexual life of the child.

These are the two cases that must be considered restrictions for child masturbation.

What causes masturbation?

Masturbation compared with natural sex (coitus) has a number of negative characteristics. The fact is that coitus (copulation) is possible under the condition of an erect male penis, which limits the number of sexual acts to several times. For masturbation, such restrictions do not exist, as this can be done under the condition of a sluggish penis and an unexcited clitoris. Such abuse leads to a general exhaustion of the body.

What is dangerous about masturbation? Masturbation depresses the human psyche! The fact is that such an occupation leads to self-flagellation and as a result to self-displeasure. This, in turn, leaves an imprint on the mental health of a person.

When is masturbation harmless?

So, above, we learned what masturbation is dangerous. But in what cases this dubious occupation can be considered harmless for the mental and physical health of a person? Masturbation will not do any harm to people engaged in it occasionally and, most importantly, in adulthood in order to conduct some sexual relaxation. Of course, in this case some requirements are imposed on masturbation:

  • Masturbation should take place only with limited sexual life rights;
  • It should in no case be rude - touching hands and all sorts of things must be gentle.

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