Arts & Entertainment, Films
Biography of Charlie Chaplin - comedian with sad eyes
In 1889, the sixteenth of April, in London, in the acting family of Lily and Charles Chaplin, a son was born, who was named Charles Spencer Chaplin.
Children's years of the artist
The biography of Charlie Chaplin - the future great actor-comedian - was far from cloudless. My father practically did not see the father, as he drank a lot. And her mother earned quite well in the theater, until she lost her voice, and with it the work. Therefore, the children's years were a period of hardship and difficulties with rare gaps in happiness.
As a child, their family repeatedly came to the workhouse because of their poverty and poverty. But as the actor himself later told, for them and his brother it was something in the form of travel, a change in the surrounding situation. Only when they were sent to the orphanage with their brother, while parting, he fully realized the bitterness of his fate Charlie Chaplin. The biography, a brief history of his childhood in particular, can be characterized as a constant search for opportunities for a more or less normal life.
Mother from hardship and adversity lost her reason, she was placed in a psychiatric
First success
Charlie Chaplin went to school, and that's where the first success in the role of comedian came to him. After learning a funny poem, he told his friend and was heard by the teacher. His recitation was so pleasing, that for several days he performed this number in front of different classes and teachers. The biography of Charlie Chaplin recorded this moment when the boy consciously formed a desire to make the audience laugh.
Way to glory
Charlie Chaplin never managed to complete his education, although his mother insisted that he attend school. The boy left her for work in the ensemble "Eight Lancashire boys." From this period begins his career as an artist. However, he did not last long at this job, as there were health problems. The next stage of the artistic career was the participation of Charlie Chaplin in the play "Sherlock Holmes". Then, not without the help of Sydney's brother, Chaplin at the age of 18 was admitted to the group of Fred Carnot.
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