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Basic theses of Butlerov's theory AM Basic statements of Butlerov's theory of chemical structure

The generally accepted basic principles of Butlerov's theory are considered the foundation of modern chemistry. The scientist was the first to explain the peculiarities of the structure of substances. He studied in detail the nature of the interrelationships of atoms.

Prerequisites for the emergence

Alexander Butlerov became the founder of the new theory, just when there were a lot of questions in science that scientists could not find answers to. For example, explanations required the phenomenon of valence and isomerism. In addition, chemists continued to argue about how to properly write chemical formulas. Butlerov clarified this question. He proved that formulas should reflect the structure of matter.

In addition, there were several concepts that were contrary to the views expressed by Butlerov. This was the theory of radicals. Its founder was Jens Berzelius. He argued that in molecules there are special elements - radicals, which pass from one substance to another. There was also a theory of types. Its supporters believed that all complex substances are derivatives of simple inorganic substances - water, hydrogen, ammonia, etc. All these concepts contradicted each other. Science needed a theory that would put everything in its place.

Butlerov's new ideas

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886 gg.) Was one of the outstanding chemists of his time. He dealt extensively with the theoretical questions of his science. In 1858, the scientist spoke at a meeting of the Paris Chemical Society. At the same time, for the first time, the main theses of Butlerov's theory were heard from his lips.

The researcher used new terms in his report, which later became fixed in international science. For example, it was he who became the author of the notion of the structure of connections. The scientist believed that the structure of different substances can be attributed to one group (in particular, it is methane, chloroform, methyl alcohol, etc.).

Study of the synthesis of substances

In 1861, in the published report "On the chemical structure of matter", the main theses of the theory of the chemical structure of AM Butlerov were formulated. The scientist described in detail the methods of synthesis and use of different reactions. One of the most important theses of the chemist was his assertion that to each chemical substance there corresponds one formula. Its importance lies in the fact that it characterizes all properties and shows the connection of atoms within molecules.

Butlerov's theory also provided that, with the help of controlled reactions, new substances could be produced. In the following years, the famous chemist and his students conducted many experiments to prove this assumption. They were able to synthesize such new substances as pentane isomers, isobutylene and some alcohols. For their era, these discoveries had a colossal significance, which can only be compared with the importance of defining other elements by Mendeleev (for example, ekabor).

Systematization of chemistry

In the XIX century, the main theses of Butlerov's theory completely changed the idea of scientists about the structure of chemical elements. In particular, the researcher was the first to suggest that the molecules are not a chaotic cluster of atoms. On the contrary, they have an ordered structure. Atoms are connected to each other in a certain sequence, on which the nature of the entire substance also depends.

Butlerov, developing his theory, relied on mathematical principles and laws. With the help of this science, he was able to explain most of the processes and relationships in chemicals. For contemporaries it was a real revolution. The point was that even if scientists knew some facts about the nature of certain substances, they could not build their knowledge into a clear, systematized picture. The main provisions of Butlerov's theory of structure solved this problem. Now chemistry was not a scattered piggy bank of facts, but a harmonious system, where everything was subject to strict mathematical logic.

Variety of substances

Butlerov's famous theory pays much attention to isomerism - the phenomenon of the existence of isomers - equal in molecular weight and atomic composition of substances, which at the same time differ from each other in the arrangement of atoms and in structure. This feature explains the variety of properties of substances in nature.

Butlerov proved his theory on the example of butane. According to the idea of the scientist, in nature there should exist two kinds of this substance. However, at that time science knew only one butane. Butlerov conducted many experiments and still got a new substance, similar in composition, but different in properties. It was called isobutane.

Influence of atoms on each other

Butlerov discovered another important regularity. With the formation of chemical bonds, the process of transition of electrons from one atom to another begins. This changes their density. There are electronic pairs that affect the property of the new forming substance. The scientist studied this phenomenon with the example of hydrogen chloride, where chlorine changes the electronic density of hydrogen bonds.

Butlerov and the basic principles of the theory of structure could explain the nature of the transformation of substances. Later, the principle discovered by a Russian chemist was studied in detail by his followers and disciples. Awareness of the mechanism of changing substances allowed scientists to understand how to synthesize new elements. A special surge of these discoveries began in the late 19th century. Then European and American scientists in the new laboratories, using methods suggested by Butlerov, were able to produce new substances.

Chemical bonds

Butlerov believed that the structure of substances can be studied by chemical methods. This position was confirmed by a number of successful experiments of the scientist. Also, the researcher was an advocate of the idea that formulas can be correct only if they reflect the order of the chemical bonds of different atoms. Butlerov was engaged in analyzing this assumption for many years.

He distinguished three types of connections - simple, double and triple. The scientist was right, but the further development of science showed that there are other chemical bonds. In particular, now specialists can characterize them also with the help of physical parameters.

The development of the Butler theory

AM Butlerov's new theory of the structure of chemical compounds was materialistic in character. The scientist was the first to safely say that the researchers are able to study the properties of atoms, from which all elements are built. But Butler himself treated his theory as a temporary one. He believed that his successors should develop it, because it did not fully explain some facts of chemical science.

The scientist was right. Butlerov's theory later developed in two ways. The first was that science was able to determine not only the order of the connection, but also the spatial arrangement of atoms in the molecule. So there was a stereochemistry. This discipline began to explore in detail the spatial structure of molecules. Butlerov himself spoke about this new direction, although he never had time to study this theoretical question.

The second direction in the development of the theory of the scientist was the emergence of a doctrine devoted to the electronic structure of atoms. This is not only a chemical, but also a physical discipline. The nature of the mutual influence of atoms was studied in more detail, and the causes for the manifestation of different properties were explained. It was the main provisions of Butlerov's theory that enabled scientists to achieve such successes.

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