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And when do the children start to sleep all night?
Every young mother from the first days of life tirelessly wonders: "When do children begin to sleep all night?" Everything that books are written about, what the older generation tells about, what society, family and friends are obliged to do - it all somehow does not work and even hinders. Someone is more lucky, but someone has to achieve a long and stubbornly desired result. After all, one thing is statistics, medical advice, and quite another - personal experiences and understanding that you are not alone in your search. So, briefly list the main recommendations received and our conclusions.
The first and most important understanding that I discovered for myself is that all children are completely different. All these book phrases: "Children should eat so much, sleep then-so and so ..." - it never turned out to be realized. If something is the norm for some, for others it is unacceptable. Therefore, do not exhaust yourself and the child by trying to change anything. Trying to understand your difficult situation is not unnecessary, but consider yourself or your child not like everyone else, that is, "abnormal", trying frantically trying to change everything, absolutely nobody needs.
It seems that in this era we live today, that no matter how hard we try, we can not find the right solutions anywhere. You consult with one pediatrician, you get good advice, everything is reasonable and right. You address to other expert - and you hear absolutely opposite opinions and recommendations. I think you also know this. For all, even the most intelligent authors, simply share their experience and knowledge from someone. And in fact, no one can know your child better than you. This is often said by experienced district pediatricians who come to the challenge. But now I'll try to explain why.
Most books translated from European languages are advised to put the child not just separately from their parents, but even in a separate room - a nursery. If the child does not fall asleep, screams, cries, then you do not need to take it, but you can only come in minutes after 5-10, briefly linger and again leave the child alone. This is a bright European and American experience, which is very difficult to take root in the post-Soviet space. Mentality, probably, is completely different. Our mother can not safely listen to the baby being torn in another room. It is especially difficult to adhere to the advice of such psychologists in the fact that you can take the child in your arms and calm you in cases where a strong crying does not stop for forty minutes. But, in my opinion, when the child becomes older, and there will be an opportunity to explain or hear a response, then this method is argued. But the baby is subjected to such tests, and even when there are problems with health - this mother's heart will not endure.
When do children sleep all night? Yes, to be honest, never. Do not we, adults, wake up at night, when something has dreamed or when something hurts? Sometimes sleep does not go, you turn and get up. Children are still the same. But you do not personally begin to awaken your household members in such situations and do not force yourself to entertain. But we allow it to children. Sometimes they seek help from us, then we have to be there. But most often we ourselves teach our children to act in a certain way, and then they are angry with them for this. Therefore, the question: "How to teach a child to sleep at night?" - there is only one correct answer: "Teach your child to behave correctly when he wakes up at night." Only in this way this question will cease to be a problem.
In addition, doctors recommend young mothers to enter strict sleep and feeding regimen , put the child to nine o'clock in the evening, reduce daytime sleep, introduce the usual ritual actions, which will signal to the baby that it is time to sleep. Often this really makes the situation easier. Often there are problems with sleeping because of the child's health, teething, excessive emotions per day, a sudden change in the familiar situation or even just my mother's fatigue. Pediatricians can advise your child about homeopathic remedies if there is an opportunity to pinpoint the causes of poor sleep. Neuropathologists often prescribe herbal teas or bathing in special herbs before bed. This also calms the baby's nervous system well, without causing side effects. But it is strictly forbidden to ascribe any medications alone. Consult only with experts.
And here is another frequently occurring issue of breastfeeding and artificial feeding in the context of the problem posed. It is believed that babies wake up more often and require attention only from the mother and no one else. But it turns out that just a little woman at night really does not wake up near her mother, snacks in her sleep and sleeps quietly on. And on artificial feeding the kid not only you, but also wakes itself up completely. While they bring the bottle, then you must eat well and do the rest. That's why, probably, and he does not want to wake up so often. He just got used to eating less often, but he just lives in other circumstances of his life.
Over time, I began to approach the issue from the other side. When do children begin to sleep all night? Right now, I would have said: "Since birth." Fortunately, I was able to change my attitude, otherwise the question would be: "When do children begin to sleep all night?" - would torment me so far. My daughter is five years old, but every night she jumps from one to five times. But this does not mean that I also jump up. Sometimes you have to scold, sometimes negotiate. But the body of the child is so arranged, it does not depend even on it. Sly slowly accustomed that the pot is near the crib, and parents should not be awakened. On the other hand, our situation can be characterized with a big plus. After all, we have not used diapers for a year and a half, but the bed was never wet for the morning. Daughter always woke up just about this. Very rare exceptions occurred only when the child slept all night and did not wake up. Therefore, if a child wakes up at night, then there are explanations and reasons for this. I still do not know when children start to sleep all night. But it stopped worrying me when I realized the needs of my child. Try to understand everything, and you will certainly find a solution for yourself. Good luck!
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