Spiritual developmentChristianity

Ancient rituals on the Trinity come back

In a bright holiday, which occurs in early summer, it is customary to observe nature, guess or perform other rituals. This day was previously associated with the filling of the earth and all nature with the pure forces of birth and development. Therefore, it was believed that the rituals of the Trinity are the most effective. At this time the awakened nature, ready for a new period of fruiting, can give the person the strongest energy. Our ancestors well knew this and we inherited some of their traditions.

Rituals on the Trinity, connected with agriculture

This festival comes according to the Church calendar. That is, every year - on a different day. But for agricultural concerns this was not of decisive importance, since at that time the work on sowing was already being completed, the peasants were preparing for haymaking. Together with the Trinity came (and now comes) heat. Here is the rite which the peasants used to perform on this bright day. Very often, the heat coming along with the holiday, harmed the development of a new crop. Therefore, the peasants, having collected a bouquet of field plants, irrigated them with their tears and carried them to the church. It was believed that in this way they ask the Higher Powers to shed such a necessary rain to imbue the earth with moisture.

This custom has survived in our time. Since the rain during the time of the existence of drip irrigation is not as saturated as it used to be, the rite itself acquired a different meaning. Herbs, watered with tears and brought to the temple on the Trinity, are considered repentance and repentance of the one who collected them. It is the attraction of natural forces to the process of their own energy purification.

Celebrating the Trinity

Since the Trinity is a holiday, rituals presuppose a special decoration of the table on this day. What the nature gave to the new forces was the main dish of the festive feast. Greenery in any form was served at the festive table. Not only the one that grows in the garden, but many field herbs were components of delicious salads. The most important thing on the table was a loaf of bread - a symbol of the sun. His hands were broken and handed out to guests. Not everyone enjoyed this treat. The slices of the loaf were dried to be used in the preparation of wedding dishes this year. It was believed that a new family, met with a loaf of bread with pieces of Troitsk bread, has a special happiness and well-being.

Therapeutic rituals for the Trinity

Every woman knew that herbs harvested on a bright holiday had a special power. Even before dawn, the guides went to fields and forests to collect medicinal plants. Then the collected bouquets were lit in the church. They were dried and used to treat people and pets.

In addition, according to Russian custom, the house was adorned with field plants. It was believed that the spirits of deceased relatives would fly into the house on that day to protect the family from evil. Spirits will hide in spring grasses and do their job. In the evening, the grass was removed from the house, so that the dark forces, which spirits were captivated there, left the patrimonial nest forever.

Girlish Rituals for the Trinity

The girls were especially sweet and wanted the Trinity. Rituals and customs allowed on this day to guess at the betrothed. For example, the girls went to a birch tree and threw into her thick branches of a spoon. If the thrown object is not entangled in the branches, and the ground falls, the lucky woman will get married.

Walking along the meadow, the girls wove wreaths and threw them into the river. If he sailed safely, it means, to be a wedding, if he did not want to leave the landlady, pestered her on the shore, which meant that they would still have to be like girls. But if he drowned, then trouble can come to the house.

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