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Human Development Index

The Human Development Index is an important economic indicator of people's potential and quality of life in a single country. This is an integral value that is calculated annually and includes such important criteria as the standard of living, literacy, education and longevity. Since 1990, the UN has been engaged in such studies. A special program allows us to consider such an issue as the index of human development.

Every year, the United Nations, after carefully conducted research, publishes the "Human Development Report", and it reflects the problems of the development of society, but already on a global scale. In this issue, there is one peculiarity: the data reflected in this report - with a delay of exactly 2 years. For example, the report for 2012 will show data for 2010. Despite this, they still really reflect the quality of life in the countries studied and still remain the main criterion by which they judge the success of the government's policy of socioeconomic policy of the state .

One of the most important indicators considered is longevity, it is measured by the expected life expectancy of the local population. The second is education, and for its calculation the literacy of the adult population (it should be at least 2/3) and the average number of years of study (should be more than one-third) is taken. When studying the level of literacy, the percentage is calculated among residents who have reached the age of 15 years. A person who can read or write the simplest text is recognized as literate.

The standard of living of the population is taken into account, it is expressed in real GDP, which is per capita of a single state. At the same time, the correction of the cost of living, that is, the purchasing power of people in the area under investigation, is necessarily taken into account. Later, as a result of the amendments, a more capacious socio-economic indicator was derived - the index of human development. He specified certain significant parts of a person's life, for example, economic development within the country, regions, as well as in certain social groups, the index of health, mortality, income, access to vocational education.

In 2010, taking into account the inequality in the development of countries, three completely new indicators were additionally introduced. The first is the human development index, taking into account the inequality between groups of people, the gender inequality index, and the multidimensional poverty indicator.

Recent studies have shown that Norway is the most prosperous country in the world. And the next successful five is represented in such a composition: Australia, the Netherlands, the United States and New Zealand.

If we consider modern society, then human potential today is the main factor in the economic growth of society. Unquestionably, his condition depends on how all other development resources are used. According to the World Bank, in modern countries, the main share of national wealth is in people, "human capital" ranges from 68% to 76% of national wealth.

What is human potential, how to use it properly for the prosperity of the state and ensure a decent material standard of living? It is a collection of spiritual and physical forces that are correctly and effectively used for self-realization, achieving successful individual and social goals. It allows you to make a qualitative description of the population.

The development of human potential is affected by physical and mental health, life expectancy, education, labor motivation, material and spiritual needs of the individual and social activity.

Personality formation, or more precisely, development of its potential occurs when a person needs new spiritual values, there are reserves of internal energy, unrealized abilities, skills, skills, certain creative impulses.

The individual irresistibly strives to discover and realize his opportunities, which contribute to personal growth, which enable him to know the world around him and the meaning of life. The final and obligatory stage is the embodiment of ideas into reality, self-expression and self-realization. Human development and its potential is facilitated by the habitat. Every inhabitant of the Earth wants a long and healthy life, he dreams of education and a decent standard of living, political freedom, guaranteed human rights and respect.

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