
20 signs that you have a good boss

According to the research conducted, up to 77% of employees are dissatisfied with their work because they have bad bosses. Perhaps, each of us can remember that he had both good bosses, and not very much. When we ourselves become bosses, we begin to be actively interested in how to make personnel management effective and at the same time keep good relations with employees. We bring to your attention 20 signs that you have a good boss.

Your boss encourages you to work

This can happen in the form of incentives and incentives. However, the results of employees can be quite impressive. After all, if you are sure that you are on the right track and have the support of a superior, you can achieve a lot.

Your boss does not control you in small things

Paraphrasing the words of Warren Buffett, it can be said that the best option is to hire the right people who do not need to control every action. If the chief will ignore this principle and monitor literally every step of his subordinates, then employees are unlikely to be happy.

Your boss appreciates your skills

A good boss very quickly gets to know the talents and skills of his subordinates. This gives an advantage when it is necessary to delegate responsibility. Also, a good boss will spend some time with each tete-a-tete employee to find out what he likes best in his job, what ambitions and goals he has. In the future, this can be used for additional training and promotion.

Your boss can admit his guilt

Sometimes a bad boss will do everything possible to shift responsibility for mistakes to one of his subordinates. However, a good boss acknowledges his guilt and openly suggests that employees conduct an analysis of the situation and, if possible, learn from this lesson. In addition, it will be a great example for subordinates and will prevent the need to search for the guilty.

Your boss is friendly and open

We are all familiar with the bosses, who have a bad character and an autocratic manner of managing people. If your boss is always friendly and available for communication, it really helps you in your work. After all, you can always discuss with him this or that problem that bothers you.

Your boss is able to communicate effectively

If your boss explained in detail how and when to do, it will be much easier for you to do the work and meet the deadline. Problems arise when the boss is hopeless in this plan, and it is impossible to get explanatory explanations from him.

Your boss reduces the number of meetings to a minimum

Guess what really makes people nervous? Surely you guessed it. We are talking about endless and useless frequent meetings. After all, ideally, meetings and meetings should be used to develop new ideas and report on the work done. They should promote, not hamper productivity. Good bosses know about this and use it in practice.

Your boss focus on small victories

Employees like it when their boss notices even small achievements and steps towards the intended goal. A good boss will thank the subordinate by email or phone. At the same time, such a scheme always works, and the employee's motivation literally soars up.

Your boss is an active listener

Many bosses make the mistake of saying too much and ignoring the opinion of employees. At the same time, the subordinates sit and wait for the boss to finish the speech. A good boss is always ready to defend his position when he is confident of his rightness, but at the same time he is open to criticism, because all people can make mistakes.

Your boss does not know everything about everything

A good boss always follows a balance between knowledge and a reasonable share of doubt. After all, people tend to be wrong. Therefore, the chief should listen to the opinion of employees and consult with them when necessary.

Your boss is doing a black job

Many bosses, climbing the career ladder, dream of never again doing black work. In fact, a good boss is always aware of what is happening in his company, and is ready even to take up the routine work, if it will be useful. This is a great way not to lose touch with reality and be in touch with your subordinates.

Your boss is ready to train you

Some bosses absolutely do not plan to spend their time training their subordinates. They believe that employees themselves must learn everything. However, the secret of wise management is to intervene and explain something when it is really necessary.

Your boss immediately gives feedback

Workers need feedback from their superiors. After all, they want to know if they managed to cope with the task, or they failed. Therefore, feedback should be given to employees immediately after the completion of a particular job or project, rather than a few months later.

Your boss creates a constructive atmosphere

If you feel yourself as part of a team and know that you are respected and trusted, then you have a good boss. After all, the boss is the driving force in creating such an atmosphere.

Your boss is flexible

When the boss shows interest in the lives of his subordinates, he will be more willing to allow them to work on a flexible schedule when the family affairs of employees require attention. At the same time, naturally, you will feel your value, which will increase the level of motivation.

Your boss is not afraid of empowering his subordinates

Some bosses do not consider it right to expand the powers and rights of employees. They believe that so subordinates can sooner or later take his place, so they prefer to control everything themselves. However, a good boss knows that encouraging employees will increase the productivity of the company, which will benefit everyone.

Your boss is sensitive

Sensitivity is an important quality in any person. The boss also allows to show interest in the employee as an individual, which helps create a strong and efficient team.

Your boss is just

A bad leader immediately betrays himself by what he singles out in the team of favorites. The line of a good boss is the same attitude towards all subordinates.

Your boss does not gossip

Some gossip in the offices are harmless. However, most often they are aimed at undermining the reputation or offense to one or another employee. A good boss will give the whole team an example, refusing to spread this or that gossip.

Your boss remains calm in crisis situations

Problems happen in many companies. This can be an emergency, a reduction in orders from customers and much more. The bad boss fences off his subordinates and will try to solve the problem himself. A good boss will turn to the staff and listen to all their ideas on the possible exit from the crisis situation.

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