
"Zanidip": instructions for use, reviews of patients and doctors, analogues. "Zanidip-Recordati": instructions, reviews, analogues

According to statistics, about 26% of adults in the world regularly suffer from hypertension. Most often, this disease is associated with the genetic predisposition of a person. However, there are other reasons for its occurrence. These include obesity, smoking, excessive consumption of table salt, micronutrient deficiencies and vitamins in the body, alcohol abuse, stressful situations, low physical activity and others.

It should also be noted that the development of hypertension directly depends on the person's age. The older it is, the higher the risk of such a pathological condition. At the age of 40 years, this disease is almost always the result of sclerotic vascular lesions.

general information

Most often, doctors put their patients diagnosed as "essential hypertension." What it is? It is a chronic disease and a form of hypertension. Its main clinical symptom is a persistent and prolonged increase in blood pressure.

Changes in this disease can be different. However, they, first of all, concern the vessels and heart.

To improve the patient's condition, doctors recommend taking such a drug as "Zanidip". Comments of patients on the effectiveness of this drug, we will consider in the materials of this article. Also in it you will find information on how to take the medicine, whether it has analogs and side effects.

Description, composition, shape and packaging

The drug "Zanidip", the instruction of which is in a cardboard pack, is issued in the form of pills of light yellow color, and also round and biconcave form with a risk on one side. They are film-coated and have a yellowish tint on the fracture.

The active ingredient of this drug is lercanidipine hydrochloride. It also includes auxiliary components, which are presented in the form of povidone K30, lactose monohydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.

With regard to the film membrane of the drug, it includes substances such as opadrai yellow, talc, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, iron dye yellow oxide and macrogol 6000.

You can buy Zanidip tablets in blisters, which are placed in paper boxes.

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

Do you know what the Zanidip medication is? Instructions for use indicate that it is a blocker of slow calcium channels. Its active ingredient is a racemic mixture of right- and left-handed stereoisomers. It should also be noted that it is a derivative of 1,4-dihydropyridine.

This medicine selectively blocks the current of calcium ions inside cardiac cells, vascular wall cells and smooth muscles.

The principle of prolonged antihypertensive action of the drug is due to a direct relaxing effect on the smooth muscle cells of the vessels.

According to the attached instructions, the therapeutic effect after taking the medication is reached after 5-7 hours. In this case, the duration of its action is maintained throughout the day.

Due to the high selectivity of the drug to the smooth muscle cells of the vessels, it has no negative inotropic effect.

So what is the drug Zanidip-Recordati? The instruction says that it is a metabolically neutral drug that does not have a particular effect on the content of apolipoproteins and lipoproteins in the blood serum, nor does it alter the fat profile in people with arterial hypertension.

Kinetics of the preparation

Where is the medicine Zanidip absorbed? Instructions for use informs us that after taking tablets (10 or 20 mg), lercanidipine is almost completely absorbed from the digestive tract. After 1,5-3 hours, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma reaches values of 3.3 ng / ml or 7.66 ng / ml, respectively.

The distribution of the drug to organs and tissues occurs fairly quickly. The connection with plasma proteins exceeds 98%. When you re-take pills, their cumulation is not observed.

The drug is metabolized during the first passage through the liver. This is due to the biological transformation of CYP3A4. In this case, a number of metabolites are formed that do not have pharmacological activity.

The medicine "Zanidip" is withdrawn, reviews about which are presented a little bit lower, through the intestines and kidneys. There are two phases of lercanidipine excretion: the early one, the period of which is 2-5 hours, and the final one - 8-10 hours.

Unchanged, the drug is practically not found in feces and urine.

In people with hepatic and renal insufficiency, the plasma protein content is significantly reduced. In this regard, the free fraction of the active substance of the medicament can be significantly increased.

Indications for taking medication

What is the purpose of the Zanidip medication? The doctors' comments say that this remedy effectively manifests itself with moderate and mild essential hypertension.

Contraindications to taking tablets

According to the instructions, the drug "Zanidip" should not be taken in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Severe liver disorders;
  • Heart failure of a chronic nature (especially in the stage of decompensation);
  • Impaired renal function;
  • Unstable angina ;
  • Combinations with strong inhibitors of the isoenzyme CYP3A4 (eg, "ketoconazole", "Erythromycin", "Itraconazole"), as well as with "Cyclosporin" and grapefruit juice;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Obstruction of the vessels that emanate from the left ventricle of the heart;
  • Lactose intolerance, lack of lactase and the syndrome of galactose / glucose malabsorption ;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • Recently transferred myocardial infarction (in the period of one month);
  • In the childbearing age of women who do not use means of reliable contraception;
  • In adolescence (efficacy and safety have not been established);
  • Hypersensitivity to lercanidipine, as well as other dihydropyridine derivatives or any components of the drug.

Acute administration of medicament

The medicine "Zanidip-Recordati" with caution is recommended for people with impaired liver function (moderate and mild severity), with chronic heart failure syndrome of sinus node weakness, left ventricular failure and IHD, and simultaneous reception of Digoxin, beta-blockers.

Tablets "Zanidip": instructions for use

Due to the large number of side effects, the drug in question should only be prescribed by an experienced practitioner. As a rule, this medicine is recommended to take in the amount of 10 mg once a day.

Tablets should be taken in the morning, ¼ hour before breakfast.

Depending on the therapeutic effect, the dosage of the drug in question can be doubled, that is, up to 20 mg. Increasing the doses of the drug should occur gradually. If required, an increase in the amount of medication is carried out after two weeks after the initiation of therapy.

How should I take Zanidip-Recordati? Tablets are not chewed. They are swallowed whole and taken with a sufficient amount of liquid.

In older people, dose adjustment is not required. But when taking the medication for their condition, regular monitoring is necessary.

In the presence of liver or renal failure of moderate or mild severity, dosage adjustment is also not required. In the first few days the drug is prescribed in an amount of 10 mg, and then with caution increase the dose to 20 mg per day.

If the antihypertensive effect is strongly pronounced, then the indicated dosage is reduced.

Adverse events

Can it cause undesirable reactions of Zanidip-Recordati? Comments from consumers report that, when taking this medication, they often have side effects. Which ones, we will consider right now:

  • The immune system: hypersensitivity.
  • Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, angina pectoris, palpitations, fainting, flushing of the skin to the skin of the face, pain in the chest, marked decrease in blood pressure, myocardial infarction.
  • Nervous system: drowsiness, headaches, dizziness.
  • The digestive tract: vomiting, indigestion, nausea, reversible increase in liver enzymes, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  • Skin: a rash.
  • Musculoskeletal system: myalgia.
  • Urinary system: polyuria.
  • Others: peripheral edema, asthenia, gingival hyperplasia, increased fatigue.

Signs of an overdose

What effects will follow if taking higher doses of Zanidip medication? The instruction indicates the following symptoms of an overdose: myocardial infarction, reflex tachycardia, peripheral vasodilation with marked decrease in blood pressure, an increase in the duration and frequency of angina attacks.

To eliminate such conditions, symptomatic treatment is performed.

Drug Interactions

Is it possible to combine medication "Zanidip" with other drugs? Instructions for use indicate that this drug is prohibited to be combined with such inhibitors of CYP3A4 (isoenzymes of cytochrome P450 of the liver), such as Itraconazole, Ketoconazole and Erythromycin. This is due to the fact that all of the listed drugs increase the concentration of lercanidipine in the blood, and also lead to an antihypertensive effect.

Simultaneous reception of the drug in question with "Cyclosporine" is contraindicated, as this can lead to an increase in the content of both substances in the patient's blood.

Lercanidipine is not allowed to be consumed with grapefruit juice. This combination can lead to the potentiation of antihypertensive effect and inhibition of lercanidipine metabolism.

Care should be taken with simultaneous administration of Zanidip with medications such as Astemizol, Terfenadine and Quinidine, as well as antiarrhythmic drugs of the third class (for example, Amiodarone).

The combination of the drug in question with anticonvulsant drugs ("Phenytoin," "Carbamazepine") and "Rifamycin" can contribute to a decrease in the level of lercanidipine in the blood, resulting in a decrease in the antihypertensive effect of lercanidipine.

When the drug is combined with "Digoxin", it is necessary to constantly monitor the signs of intoxication.

Simultaneous medication with "Midazolam" in adulthood can lead to an increase in the absorption of lercanidipine and a decrease in the rate of its absorption.

Experts say that "Metoprolol" is able to reduce the bioavailability of lercanidipine by 50%. However, the bioavailability of Metoprolol itself remains unchanged. Such an effect arises from the decrease in hepatic blood flow caused by beta-blockers.

The drug "Cimetidine" at a dosage of 800 mg per day does not lead to significant changes in the concentration of lercanidipine in the blood. But when it is taken, special care is required, since with increased doses the bioavailability of lercanidipine may increase, and consequently, its antihypertensive effect increases.

When combining Zanidip with Simvastatin, the first drug should be taken in the morning, and the second one in the evening.

The drug "Fluoxetine" has no effect on the kinetics of lercanidipine.

Simultaneous reception of "Zanidip" with "Warfarin" does not affect the pharmacokinetics of the latter.

This agent can be combined with diuretics, beta-adrenoblockers and ACE inhibitors.

It should also be noted that ethanol enhances the antihypertensive effect of drugadipin.

Special Recommendations

The preparation "Zanidip", analogues of which are listed below, should be given with special caution to people with impaired renal and coronary artery disease, as in this case there is a high risk of frequent attacks of angina pectoris.

Before taking the drug should necessarily compensate for heart failure of a chronic nature.

Particular care should be taken at the beginning of therapy, especially in patients with moderate to mild liver failure.

During treatment, it is desirable to carefully perform work that requires increased attention, including when driving vehicles. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning of therapy and when doses are exceeded, there is a risk of headache, drowsiness and dizziness.

Storage conditions, shelf life and sale of the drug

Where can I buy Zanidip-Recordati tablets? Analogues of this drug and the medication itself are sold in any pharmacy. However, you can buy them only by prescription.

Keep this medicine preferably inaccessible to small children, where the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug in question is three years. After this period, take medicine is prohibited.

Drug analogues

Do you know what can replace tablets "Zanidip"? Analogues of this tool are rather difficult to find. Specialists report that such drugs as "Lercamen" and "Lercanidipine" have similar properties and the principle of action. Take these medications only by medical advice.

The drug "Zanidip": reviews of patients and specialists

This is a very effective antihypertensive agent. This opinion is shared by many doctors. Almost all patients who took Zanidip tablets agree with them. They claim that after taking medication their condition improves noticeably. Signs of essential hypertension moderate and mild severity almost immediately.

The only drawback of this medication is that its reception very often causes side reactions, especially from the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system.

It should also be noted that so many people complain that the price of this medication is too high. This drug in the amount of 28 tablets can be purchased for 450-500 rubles. It should be noted that the analogs of the mentioned drug in the form of "Lercamena" and "Lercanidipine" are not cheaper at all. They can be purchased for the same price.

Experts argue that the cost of antihypertensive drug "Zanidip" fully corresponds to its quality. This shows almost all of his long experience of use.

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