
Windows Cleaner: program reviews

Users of the Windows operating system for a long time on it are faced with such a problem as the accumulation of various system debris on the hard disk and clogging the registry, which, in turn, entails the inhibition of all computer processes. This is especially noticeable on laptops and weak personal computers, since their power is already low, and in addition to this, there is an additional load.

In the article just the same it will be a question of how quickly and without unnecessary problems get rid of garbage and clean the registry. And in this case not a little-known program Windows Cleaner will help. And also talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this software. We will not forget to mention reviews about the Windows Cleaner program for ordinary users.

What is a Cleaner?

Cleaner - this is the program that will help your computer to work as if it was just purchased. The main task of the software is cleaning the registry and removing unnecessary files and programs that simply clog the PC.

This utility was developed by the well-known firm Piriform Limited, which is based in the UK. In turn, the program was written in C ++ and is supported both on 32 and 64-bit OS.

If you need a tool with which you can increase the productivity of a laptop or a personal computer at times, and moreover completely free of charge, then you must necessarily download and install the program Windows Cleaner. Reviews on this software on the Internet are only positive, and this, in turn, means that the program is tested and does not cause suspicion.

If you take information taken from the official website of the company, to date, it has been created and continues to support four different versions of the program.

  1. Free Edition. This version is free. If you compare it with others, then the difference is only one: its development and support, developers are concerned about the last. But this does not mean that it is worse, it's simply that the updates come out last.
  2. Home Edition. This version already stands in the company's priority and is constantly updated. It is intended for individual use at home.
  3. Business Edition. Based on the name it becomes clear that this version was created specifically for use by various business companies. This package is placed immediately on all PCs in the office, it is provided with stable support and is updated in a timely manner.
  4. CCleaner Network Edition. This is the network version of the software. It optimizes the work in the networks of the corporation of absolutely any size. However, it can be installed on business use computers, but not more than ten.

Advantages of Cleaner

It's time to talk about the benefits of Windows Cleaner. Reviews - this, of course, is good, but they are not able to denote all the virtues. Yes, and need to clarify what this program is better than competitors.

  1. An inherent advantage, of course, is the fact that the software is completely free, absolutely anyone can download and install it. But this is only one virtue of many.
  2. The program is able to easily and for a short period of time to clean the computer of unnecessary files and programs. It performs "cleaning" not only on the surface of the hard drive, but also in places like the cache of all known browsers, in the registry, the library and the fonts.
  3. Another noteworthy feature is a simple and intuitive interface. Because of this, even an inexperienced user can quickly figure out how to work with the program.
  4. There is a flexible setting of all the operations performed, which allows you not to delete all the erasures.

Disadvantages of Cleaner

But in a barrel of honey can be a spoonful of tar. So in Windows Cleaner there are drawbacks. Of course, they can not outdo all the advantages, but they are worth mentioning.

Immediately I want to say about the installation process. In general, it is no different from any other, but there is one nuance. During the installation, an inexperienced user can skip the settings, that is, checkboxes that ask for the installation of additional software. The fact is that in general this problem is small, but very few people like it when other browsers are installed and search services in old ones change.

The second small drawback is that you can not even delete all unnecessary files, folders and programs. But this is minus the free version. If the program is purchased, it will open additional functions, in which the above actions can be carried out.

System requirements

Of course, this program is very lightweight and not demanding on computers, but still in our time there are users who have very weak computers, and in order to not download and install the program in vain, it is worth while announcing its system requirements.

  1. This software can easily install users of Windows Vista and higher.
  2. To run the program, you must have any processor from AMD or Intel.
  3. The RAM required for the stable operation of the utility is 128 MB.
  4. At the same time, the hard disk must have 100 MB of free space.

Cleaner Portable

It is impossible not to mention the version of the program, like Windows Cleaner Portable. Its main difference from the others is that it is designed to run and work directly from removable media. That is, in simple terms, downloading this version, you can easily use it by installing a USB flash drive, CD / DVD, Memory Stick and even on iPod or MP3.

It is also noteworthy that in this case the software will create a file portable.dat, which will contain all the settings of the program. This means that you do not have to re-configure it every time. In the event that for some reason the file is not found, all the settings will be automatically written in CCleaner.ini.

User Reviews

Above was a complete overview of the Windows Cleaner program. The feedback, however, is quite another matter. They are written by ordinary users, which means that there is much more truth in them than in a dry description. Now it's time to talk about them completely.

Of course, initially I would like to say that there are more positive responses about the program than negative ones. And the positive in themselves carry all the above advantages of the program. Some people say that they switched to the program after using other similar ones due to the fact that they were paid or annoyed with annoying advertising. Others note that they have been using this software for many years and like it for its ease of use. Also, most people select the version of Windows Cleaner, they say that it is the most successful and does not carry any excesses, but, as they say, the taste and color of friends is not.

Negative feedback in one voice declares the uselessness of the program. They say that it just cleans the hard drive, but is not able to correctly configure it. Like, for this reason the program is completely useless. Others indicate that after using it, Windows needs to be reinstalled. However, as mentioned above, such comments are few. Well and as a whole to solve to you, to use or not Windows Cleaner. Reviews give only an approximate vision of the whole situation.

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