
The sound in the "Yandex.Browser" disappears - possible causes and solutions to the problem

Many PC users complain that they have lost sound in the "Yandex.Browser". This browser is popular in Russia. But he, like the rest of the computer software, can not be immune from failures and malfunctions. So what if the sound on the PC suddenly turns off when working with "Yandex.Browser"? What could be the reasons for this phenomenon? Should I beware of this malfunction?

Causes of problems

It should be noted immediately that the problem under investigation usually does not cause trouble. Only in rare cases, it indicates a serious problem with the PC. Missing sound in the browser can be returned quite quickly. The algorithm of actions will depend directly on the situation.

Why does the browser lose sound? Among the most common reasons are:

  • No connected speakers;
  • Failure of sound playback devices;
  • Knocked down sound settings on a PC;
  • Disabled sound in the browser;
  • computer viruses;
  • System failures;
  • An incorrectly installed browser;
  • Malfunction / malfunction of the sound card;
  • Lack of drivers for sound cards.
  • Invalid browser settings.

What to do in this or that case? Next, I'll discuss in more detail how to proceed if the sound disappears in Yandex.Browser.


The first way to solve the problem is to restart the browser. You just need to close the application to access the Internet and reopen it. The sound will be restored.

Typically, this solution helps with downed browser settings, system crashes. There is no progress? Then it is necessary to act differently.

Speaker / speaker check

Why did the sound in the "Yandex.Browser" disappear? If, until a certain point, everything was fine, it's time to check the operability and connection of the speakers. A malfunction of the audio playback devices causes it to disappear.

The user needs:

  • Make sure that the speakers or headphones are connected to the PC;
  • See if the audio playback device is directly connected (including the network);
  • Check the integrity of the wires.

If something is wrong with the columns, it is necessary:

  • Connect other speakers to the computer;
  • Turn the speakers on and adjust the volume.

With the columns all right, but still does not work sound in the browser "Yandex"? No reason to panic! There are other options for the development of events!

Sound settings

The next step is to check the sound settings on the computer. Strangely enough, but this reason often causes a lot of trouble to users. To fix the situation is easy!

The sound in the "Yandex.Browser" disappears? Then it will be required:

  1. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the image of the gramophone.
  2. Set the sound settings in the appeared window - drag the slider as high as possible and click on the image of the gramophone with the crossed out circle at the bottom.
  3. Click on the inscription "Mixer".
  4. Do the same with the slider near the "Yandex.Browser" item.

Now you can test the sound in the browser. Everything is working? Then you can continue to use the browser.


Does not sound work in the browser "Yandex"? In this case, the user is 100% sure of the performance of the speakers and the correct settings of the PC? Then it is recommended not just to restart the browser, but to completely restart the computer.

This step will help fix system failures. In some cases it is because of this that there are various problems when working on the Internet. A typical computer reboot can return sound to the browser.


But not in all cases. The sound in "Yandex.Browser" disappears, but only in video players? For example, on "Youtube"?

In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the player in which the sound does not work.
  2. Go to the application settings.
  3. Click on the image of the crossed-out gramophone (or usual).
  4. Adjust the slider to the volume - the higher, the louder the sound.

After saving the settings, you can turn on the music. If the reason lies in the player, it will be fixed.

Browser settings

Missing the sound in the "Yandex.Browser"? What to do? You can try to reset the settings of this application. In some situations this really helps. But only if the sound is working properly on the computer outside the browser.

The user will need:

  1. Start the browser.
  2. Click on "Configure Yandex browser". It is located in the upper right corner.
  3. Go to the "Settings" section.
  4. Click on "Show advanced options".
  5. Click on "Reset settings".
  6. Confirm the operation.

After that, you can restart the browser and check the sound. Everything should improve.


Missing the sound in the "Yandex.Browser" on "Youtube" and not only? You can try to reinstall / update the drivers for the sound card. This process must be done regularly. Otherwise, sooner or later the sound will stop playing not only in the browser, but also on the computer as a whole.

To reinstall or update the driver for the sound card, you need:

  1. View the manufacturer and model of the sound card.
  2. Go to the official website of the manufacturer and download from there a package of drivers for the installed operating system.
  3. Install the latest drivers and restart the PC.

Now you can start the browser and see if the sound is working. If the problem was damaged / missing / obsolete drivers, everything will work fine.


Missing the sound in the "Yandex.Browser"? What to do? If all the above tips did not help, you should check your computer for viruses. It is possible that it was malware that caused the browser to crash.

You will need to use an antivirus program and a deep scan of the operating system. All potentially dangerous objects must first be cured and then deleted. For these actions, individual buttons appear in the antivirus software.

Once the viruses are removed, the computer will return to full capacity. To do this, you will have to reboot the OS after all the actions done.

Important: you need to remove viruses carefully. Some malicious programs can damage the operating system so that after they are deleted, the OS must be reinstalled. Fortunately, this does not happen very often.

Applications and extensions

The sound in the "Yandex.Browser" disappears? "Youtube", "VC" and other sites do not allow you to listen to music and watch videos? Perhaps the problem lies in the extensions and applications installed in the browser.

If the sound is poor or does not play at all, you can try the following:

  1. Open the browser.
  2. In the address bar write browser: // plugins.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Find Shockwave Flash.
  5. Click the "Disconnect" button.

You can restart the browser. Sound should be earned in normal mode.

Adobe Player

Why else does the sound in Yandex.Browser disappear? In some cases, the blame is for Adobe Flash Player. This application is necessary for working with multimedia in the browser.

What are the possible developments? What should I do if I fail to work "Adob Flash"? Recommended:

  1. Uninstall the application and reinstall it.
  2. Update Adobe Flash Player.

In some cases, several appropriate applications are installed in the browser. Then one of them (the older version) needs to be disabled.

Cache and registry

Sometimes you can meet complaints about the fact that "Yandex.Browser" does not upload video and does not play music. Why is this happening? And what to do to solve the problem?

You can clear the cache and the PC registry. For this we recommend using third-party applications. For example, Ccleaner. This program needs to be started, click on the "Analysis" button, and then click on "Clear". In this case, the browsers should be closed.

PC Fault

The sound in the "Yandex.Browser" disappears? Or does it just work badly? The last variant of the development of events is a malfunction of the PC and its components.

In case of loss of sound, it is recommended:

  • To check up working capacity of a sound card;
  • Replace the PC sound card;
  • To change columns;
  • Make sure that the hardware connected to the PC is compatible.

If all of the above tips did not help restore the sound, it's better to take the computer to a service center for complete diagnostics. The masters will quickly determine the cause of the phenomenon studied and propose ways of eliminating it. For example, replacing a faulty component.

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