EducationThe science

The analysis of visual stimuli occurs in the receptors: all the most interesting about this process

Analysis of visual stimuli occurs in receptors. More precisely, there it begins. After that, there are still many processes accompanying the analysis. In general, everything that happens in the human body is very interesting. And this topic is not an exception. So it's worth talking about it in more detail.


So, before telling where the analysis of visual stimuli occurs, I would like to touch upon the concepts themselves. So, through the senses directly information enters the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. It does not happen that every second is continuous. In other parts of the cortex impulses come from different parts of the body. And any information, as well as irritants are analyzed in a thorough manner. This is necessary for the full operation of the human body.

So, the analysis of visual stimuli occurs in the receptors, and each of their groups is sensitive to absolutely different information. What does it look like when it comes to visualization? Naturally visual, but the receptors react mainly to color and light.

After the impulses appear in the receptors, they pass along the afferent neurons, through which they enter the central nervous system. And only then they fall into the corresponding area of the cortex.

Body of sight

Everyone knows that the eye of a person and any other living creature is the organ of vision . More precisely, this is his colloquial title. In fact, it consists of an eyeball and an auxiliary apparatus. They have their own functions. And the eyeball performs the most important, because it is in it is the peripheral department of all analyzers.

The pupil is the first thing I'd like to draw attention to, talking about the analysis of visual irritations. The process of light absorption occurs in the pupil. It is through him that the rays get inside the eye. There is a retina, characterized by an extremely complex and fragile structure. And it is on its surface are cones and sticks (this photosensitive cells). And from the cells, the nerve itself also leaves. It is the beginning of the conductor part of the analyzer itself.


So, after the light rays pass through the cornea and watery liquid, the analysis of visual stimuli begins. Occurs in the lens, and then flows into the vitreous. All this is an optical system of the eye, which refracts the rays, and then collects them already on the retina.

Interesting is also the process during which the image is analyzed. So, the rays emanating, in fact, from two parallel points, are refracted and displayed on the retina. But only in an inverted form (if you speak in plain language). However, then they pass through the receptors again, and the information already processed and turned upside down (image) enters our brain.

This is all due to the bending of the lens. Because of this, the picture turns over. It is important to know that the lens and retina are extremely fragile parts of our optical system and their slightest defect can lead to an obvious imbalance. Because of this, the picture can focus not only vaguely, but even behind the retina. And this is hyperopia. When the image is focused in front of the retina, it is, respectively, myopia.

Sticks and cones

These receptors were mentioned above. The analysis of visual irritations occurs in them too. Rods called the most sensitive to light radiation receptors. For them, an irritant may be even a weak twilight illumination. However, they do not react to color in any way. That is, in what colors the objects are painted. It is the wands that are activated at the moment when a person walks along a dark street and distinguishes the silhouettes of cars, houses and other people, but can not answer the question: what color is it - dark maroon, blue, or black?

The cones, as you might guess, are not as sensitive to light. But thanks to them we distinguish colors and shades. They are opposite the pupil. With age, the number of cones increases and they become stronger, this justifies the moment that a person, growing up, can distinguish more and more colors and shades.


This is another point that I would like to touch on with attention, telling about the analysis of visual irritations. Occurs in the same optical system. Adaptation is the habit of the eye to perceive the surrounding reality at different levels of illumination. So, for example, if at night a person sits at home and suddenly the light turns off, he feels for a while as if blind. However, after a minute or two he will begin to distinguish the outlines of objects, and then, having got used to it, he will at all begin to see what surrounds him. There is an hour to be in total darkness, then you can increase the sensitivity of your eyes two hundred times! Such a specific analysis of visual stimuli.

Occurs in the optic nerve is approximately the same when the person comes out of the darkness into a brightly lit room. And there is accommodation. This is the process by which the eyes adjust to differentiate the object at different distances.

In general, in our optical system there is a mass of processes. Of little interest is short-sightedness and farsightedness, for example, color blindness, etc. However, these are very extensive and multifaceted topics, and they should be discussed separately.

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