
Milgamma (injections) in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases

Milgamma is a complex of vitamins of group B, intended for treatment of inflammatory processes and degenerative diseases of the motor apparatus and nerves. The drug is not intended to eliminate scarce conditions, but to normalize hemopoiesis and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

What is included in the preparation?

The composition of the drug includes neurotropic vitamins belonging to group B, which in a therapeutic dose are used to treat pathology of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous tissue and disorders of nerve conduction. In large doses of milgamma (injections) contribute to anesthesia, significantly improve blood and microcirculation, restore the work of the nervous system. The drug is intended for intramuscular injection. A special feature of milgamma is that it contains vitamins B1, B6, B12 and lidase, a similar principle contributes to the effective removal of pain.

Milgamma (injections) application

Milgamma (injections) is used for symptomatic therapy for diseases of the nervous system of a wide variety of origins (neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuropathy, radicular syndromes, myalgia, facial nerve paresis, herpes zoster), and also for certain systemic diseases that are caused by deficiency of B vitamins and some Others.

Milgamma ( injections ) Contraindications

Milgamma is contraindicated in newborn infants, especially in preterm infants, because of the high alcohol content. It is not recommended to use the drug in acute severe forms of CHF, as well as hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. A direct contraindication to the use of the drug is a violation of cardiac conduction.

Side effects of the drug

In some cases, when using the drug, allergic reactions are possible, sometimes tachycardia, sweating, itching, hives, acne may be observed. In rare cases with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may appear difficult breathing, edema and as a consequence, anaphylactic shock. With too rapid introduction of the drug, sometimes there are systemic reactions (arrhythmia, dizziness, convulsions), which can also occur with an overdose of the drug.

Milgamma (injections) route of administration and dose

Milgamma form of injection is applied to 2 ml intramuscularly once a day, the course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, then it is recommended to continue taking the drug for 1 pills daily. In some cases, a maintenance dose of 2 ml 2-3 times a week may be prescribed. When intramuscular injection of the drug occurs, its rapid absorption, entry into the bloodstream and entry into nerve cells. It is here that vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes, which leads to a significant acceleration of biochemical reactions.

Therapeutic effect of drug administration

In general, the drug has a high therapeutic activity, it improves blood circulation, relieves pain and activates the metabolic processes in nerve cells. Mylogamma analogs and the drug itself are prescribed at the very beginning of the treatment of the trigeminal neuritis when the patient is so worried that they can cause anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts. After the pain subsides a little, you can proceed to taking the drug in a dragee. Milgamma and alcohol in combination are not used, although there is no reliable data on the interaction of these two components.

Milgamma is a complex of vitamins, which is intended to improve the quality of life of patients with different somatic and organic diseases, which means that the drug is available to any category of the population.

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