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Biography: Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva - granddaughter, worthy of her great grandfather

An outstanding worker in science in the field of human brain research, Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, whose biography indicates that she was a man with a difficult fate, was the granddaughter of the great psychiatrist and neurologist Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhailovich and the daughter of the outstanding inventor and engineer Bekhterev Petr Vladimirovich. About what her life was like, read this article.

Biography: Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva - young years

Natalia's childhood was not easy. She was born in 1924 (July 7) in Leningrad. In 1938, her father, an outstanding inventor, was declared an enemy of the people and shot. Mother, Bekhtereva Zinaida Vasilievna, a doctor by profession, was subjected to repression and was sent to the camp. As the biography says, Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva, her brother and sister were orphans. The elders, Natalia and Andrei, were taken to an orphanage where everyone knew that they were the children of the enemy of the people, because they lived there unbearably. Natalia's younger sister was taken away by distant relatives, and there is no information about her future fate.

Biography: Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva - career

In 1947, the future professor graduated from the Medical Institute in Leningrad. The first time after graduation (1950-1954) worked at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. At the same time she graduated from the Institute of Physiology of the CNS Central AMS of the Soviet Union. In 1954, Natalya Petrovna came to the Neurosurgical Institute. A. Polenova, began work as a senior research fellow, and in 1962 was already at the post of deputy director. In the same year she was the first to suggest an effective, as the practice later showed, a method of treatment consisting in implanting electrodes in the human brain, and also developed a system for complex brain research. These were the first, but not the last, of her achievements, with which her biography is so rich.

Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva since 1975, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, and since 1981 - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1992 - Head of the group at the Institute of the Human Brain.

Between 1974 and 1980, she was vice-president of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, from 1982 to 1994 - in the International Organization of Psychophysiology.

Numerous scientific works and monographs are also rich in her biography. Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva throughout her career wrote about 400 works on the physiology of the brain and even became the founder of a scientific school.

A new direction in neurosurgery and neurology - stereotaxic neurology - also merits Bekhtereva. The discovery recognized the property of neurons, revealed by her, to respond to the meaning of speech and to participate in the systems of providing thought formation.

Bekhtereva Natalia Petrovna: "The magic of the brain and the labyrinths of life"

In parallel with articles and scientific publications, Natalia Petrovna also wrote more popular books. One of them is her "Magic of the brain and the labyrinth of life". Here the scientific worker, the professor, tried to state in simple words things that are quite difficult to perceive by a person far from science. And she succeeded, therefore this book can be read by everyone. It describes the history of the formation of one of the most fascinating sciences, the laws of deciphering the activity of a patient and a healthy brain, and questions about the possibilities of reason that have long been of concern to mankind are revealed.

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