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Actor Alexander Borisov: biography and personal life

People of the older generation at the first sounds of the song "What is so worried about the heart ..." involuntarily recall one of the most remarkable films of the Soviet era "Faithful Friends". The story of three adult comrades, embodying a childhood dream, could not leave any of the spectators indifferent. Phrases from this picture soon went to the people, and the performer of the famous composition Alexander Borisov instantly became a favorite of the public.


His fate was similar to the fate of many other people of the Soviet era, those who survived a hungry childhood and the horrors of war. With only one difference, that Alexander Borisov - an actor with a capital letter, his life showed that there are no obstacles on the way to the desired goal.

He was born on April 18, 1905 in St. Petersburg, in the midst of the first Russian revolution. The family lived very poorly, my mother served as a laundress, my father worked as a kitchen worker, I barely had enough money for food. But these difficulties helped the boy to raise in himself a character and a desire to achieve something more in life, which was subsequently achieved by Alexander Borisov - an actor. The young man's family could not give him a good education, but the origin of the "lower classes" helped him in later life and creative activity. After all, after the October Revolution such people from the people received privileges on admission to educational institutions or to work.


The talented young man tried to somehow express himself, so very early began to participate in amateur productions, which in the 30s of the XX century were particularly popular in the country of the Soviets. In every yard, house of culture or even in the attic of the old house sketches were played, chastushki sang, there were many enthusiasts, especially since they took small money for performances.

In 1927 he graduated from the famous studio at the Leningrad Academic Theater, where before he performed on an unprofessional stage. At that time, the legendary Yu. M. Yuriev taught there, whose actor Alexander Borisov adopted a special manner of performance - with full dedication, with understanding and embodiment of the psychology of the character on stage and on the screen.

To this day, the Leningrad Theater School is considered the best in Russia, it has inculcated the ability to fully understand its role, to think through details and get used to the character of the hero. Whether it's a costume or features of speech, manners to move, etc. - everything must be invested in the image from beginning to end. Alexander Borisov with responsibility took all the instructions, which helped him later to become a national artist, get several state awards and play many leading roles in theater and cinema.

The beginning of acting career

After graduating from the school-studio in 1928, he was accepted into the main staff of the troupe, and the creative way began a long life, so was born Alexander Borisov - actor. His biography is inextricably linked with this Academic Drama Theater, here he will play until his last days. The unusual aura of these walls gave birth to more than one pleiad of stunning stage actors, Borisov himself served here more than sixty years.

Two years later, he was entrusted to play the first major role in the play "Freak" by A. N. Afinogenov. Borisov with amazing accuracy reproduced on the stage the image of the poet and enthusiast Boris Volgin. Subsequent his work included images of a variety of plans. They were Stepan's fighter from the play "The Winners" by BF Chibisov, the embodiment of the classic heroes of Ostrovsky - Gavrila from the "Hot Heart" or the tragic-comic Arkasi Schastlivtsev from the play "Les". In general, this amazing ability to play seemingly the most opposite roles, the plasticity of the character will later be appreciated by spectators and critics.

He gave himself all of himself to the theater, lived and suffered on the stage. There was a remarkable team of young and bright artists, a talented troupe, of which the actor Alexander Borisov was forever a part. Wife also worked in the theater, with Olga Bibinova, they got close by chance, met on tour and realized that they can not live without each other. The widow of the actor in the last interview, being already an elderly woman, told how she fell in love with a young man with a sensual voice that Alexander Borisov, an actor, was so famous for. The personal life of artists in the Soviet era did not become public, so little is known about their joint path.

Theatrical works

Already after the first roles it became clear that a talented and unusual artist was born. Friends and associates on stage noted the spontaneity and ease of his play, the actor Alexander Borisov was famous for his intelligence, for some lyricism. He was never seen in theater quarrels or struggles for better roles, and all his works, even small ones, were played to them sincerely and with a soul.

Until 1937 his whole life was connected only with his native scene. Here he appeared in the images of famous heroes of Russian classics: The holy fool from "Boris Godunov" based on the same name by Alexander Pushkin, the sharp-tempered Peter from the play "Forest" by AN Ostrovsky, Meluzov from "Talents and admirers" of the same author and many Others.

As early as the 1920s, the Alexandrinsky Theater was forced to take the course of cultural development dictated by the Soviet government. On this stage, countless plays were staged on revolutionaries, party figures and the achievement of a new communist society. Borisov, like other actors, also had to participate in politicized and frankly bad plays, but, according to eyewitnesses, these artists could play anything very well, including plays on political subjects. Even hardened political workers in his performance acquired special features and a lively character.

During the Great Patriotic War

1941 changed the life of every Soviet person, for millions of families, fate was divided into before and after. The actor Alexander Borisov did not become an exception. Wife and children learned about the terrible events only in July, at this time they were on Lake Seliger. Son of the artist, Kasyan Bibinov, in one of the interviews recalled how they were returning to Leningrad on the last train under the massive bombing of Nazi aircraft. The father was waiting for them in his hometown already as the head of civil defense.

On the third day of the war, while waiting for the family, a close friend of the actor, composer VP Sedoy, brought him a new song, "Play, my accordion". Borisov so sincerely, with such pinching intonation, performed the composition, that soon it began to sound from all the loudspeakers, it was sung by soldiers, going into battle, to death.

In August 1941, actor Alexander Borisov with the theater and family was evacuated to distant Novosibirsk. There, together with a friend, he organized a program on the radio called "Fire on the enemy." Artists came up with the images of two scouts who were returning from the task and in a joking manner resembling a ditties, told about what was happening at the front. In sarcastic verses ridiculed the enemy and glorified the feat of Soviet soldiers. The heroes were so fond of listeners that letters from all over the country began to come to them, they were already perceived as real fighters, they asked about the family and fighting everyday life. Alexander Borisov and Vladimir Adashevsky often toured with the performance of this unusual duet.

After the war, the theater company returns to Leningrad, and Borisov successfully continues his work on the stage. So, he played Pavel Korchagin in the play "How the Steel Was Tempered", the Tsarevich Fedor in the production of "The Great Sovereign." His work was evaluated even at the top, and in 1947 the actor Borisov was awarded the Stalin Prize, which in those years was considered the highest degree of honor.

Roles in the cinema

Back in the late 30's, Alexander Borisov began to be invited to act in films, his first role in the tape of Cheslav Sabinsky "The Dnepr on Fire" was still small, especially since the film did not survive to this day. A year after the first test in cinematography, he was confirmed for the role of Nazarka in the tape "Friends." Here the wonderful artists of that time were shot, and the actor Alexander Borisov was able to learn a lot from B. Babochkin, N. Cherkasov and others.

The war made its own adjustments, and the actor returned to the cinema only in 1948. Small roles did not satisfy the talented actor, everything changed after a year, when he played one of the most important roles in his life. The image of Academician Ivan Pavlov in the film of the same name brought him popular popularity, and the actor was awarded several prestigious awards. This film told about the fate of the great Russian scientist, the creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity.

The biographical direction was especially popular in the early 50's, therefore immediately after "Academician Ivan Pavlov" Borisov began to be invited to the role of other well-known historical figures. So, he acted in the tape about Alexander Popov, where he got the role of a close assistant to the scientist Pyotr Nikolaevich Rybkin. Especially the actor remembered in the image of the composer M. Mussorgsky, the songs performed in the film quickly went to the people.

"Faithful friends"

In the life of any artist there is that special role that becomes his calling card, thanks to which he is known and remembered. The story of the three adult men who were left in the soul of the boys, instantly became popular in the USSR, and Alexander Borisov, an actor, became known to a large audience. "True friends", a picture of 1950, for decades remained the most watched film in our country. Even now, the display of the picture collects around the screens of the whole family.

Such a popular ribbon is due, in the first place, to the sounded songs "What is the heart so disturbed" and "Boat swaying, boat ...". They were performed by Alexander Borisov, in his youth he was fond of music, about his ability to sing legends. The actor did not have a strong operatic voice, but with an emphasis on intonation and emotionality, could affect the soul of any person. And it happened: from the whole USSR, the artist was showered with letters with admiration and confessions of love. It was also in the role itself, because on the screen the audience saw the reunion of two lovers, who had once parted with a misunderstanding. Alexander Borisov, an actor whose personal life remained a mystery for spectators, embodied on the screen the ideal Soviet man, spouse or lover.

Surprisingly, the film is not perceived as one of the "masterpieces" of socialist realism, all ideological ideas are somehow evenly dosed and seasoned with excellent humor and melodramaticism. Of great importance was the choice of actors. Alexander Borisov, Boris Chirkov and Vasily Merkuriev were real talents, at that time already held and famous artists. Critics are still wondering why such a successful screen trio did not appear more together in other pictures.


After his success in cinematography, Borisov returns to the home scene of the Alexandria Theater, where he played many more multifaceted and diverse roles. Some performances with his participation ("Les" and "Hot Heart" by AN Ostrovsky, "Egor Bulychev" by M. Gorky) were later screened. His role was sometimes comical (Arkasha Schastlivtsev in the play "Forest"), then tragic and multilayered, as in "Puchin" by the author Kiselnikov.

Borisov Alexander Fedorovich, an actor of theater and cinema, soon decided to try himself in the role of director. In 1960, he wrote the script himself and filmed the adaptation of Dostoevsky's novel The Meek. Two years later he repeated his experience and together with M. Rufus took off the picture "The Soul Calls."

The subsequent roles of Borisov in the cinema were, although not the main, but very colorful and memorable. So, he played in the pictures "Maxim Perepelitsa" in 1955, "Mother" in 1955, "Footprints in the snow" in 1955, "The Baltic glory" in 1957, "Puchin" in 1958. The actor often appeared on television, Performed famous romances, songs from "True Friends" and other bands, sang ditties and funny couplets, told tales for children.

Already in his years, he did not stop working in the theater, and the last role in the movie was an episodic appearance in the historical series "Russia Young" in 1982. In the same year, Alexander Borisov died. The actor was buried at the Volkovsky Cemetery, at the Literary Bridge, near the grave of the childhood friend of the composer VP Sedov.


Alexander Borisov - a graduate of St. Petersburg's traditions of psychological and thoughtful play. This artist had not only a talent for reincarnation on stage or screen, but also a voice - amazing, with a special intonation, fascinating and attracting people. His abilities were often used by directors, for example, the film "Mussorgsky" was invented and built exactly on the singing talent of Borisov. Even though his voice on timbre did not coincide with the voice of the great composer.

Theater art, due to the peculiarity of expression, rarely remains in the memory of the audience for a long time. Another thing - a movie that preserves images, ideas and songs for many years. Thanks to the film "True Friends", the entire people of the Soviet Union remembered the adventures of the heroes of the painting, where the most musical role was played by Borisov Alexander Fedorovich. The actor, whose personal life was never made public, was the subject of love of many Soviet women. A sensual voice and romantic roles made him, if not a sex symbol of the Soviet Union, then certainly a model of the ideal man.

Interesting Facts

Once, after a tour in America, he brought Mikhail Chekhov's book, then banned in the USSR, to Mikhailov at his own risk. This edition later passed from hand to hand among the actors of the Alexandria Theater.

Alexander Borisov was awarded many times prestigious State Prizes: he had four Stalin Prizes, the Stanislavsky Prize, the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, had the Order of the "Sign of Honor".

Even before the war, he married the actress of the Alexandria Theater Olga Bibina, they had two children - Kasyan and Lyudmila. Alexander never used his fame, he was not an agitator or opponent of the system. Participation in foreign trips, various state awards did not change the fact that, first of all, Alexander Borisov is an actor. Family, children have always been one of the main goals in his destiny, but by no means the most important. For a creative person, the main thing in life is to embody your talent, all potential as an artist. Borisov succeeded, he entered a galaxy of stars of Soviet actors, but most importantly, he remained in the memory of people.

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