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Sloupok - who is it and why is it called?

In Russian, very often new words appear that are known only to a certain circle of people. These are jargon, most often they remain in their circle, but there are also those who break out into general open spaces and become fixed among thousands of people. One of these words was the concept of "sloupok" - today almost everyone knows what it means. One person can calmly call the other a sloup, and he will understand what's wrong. However, not everyone can guess what is at stake. And especially not everyone knows where the word came from, and why it was fixed in the language. So, sloupok - who is this? Where did he come from? And the most interesting is why is it so popular?

Appearance of the word

Very often interesting words emerge from certain television programs, music, books and films, when someone says something unusual, and it somehow gets accustomed. But everything was quite different with the word "sloupok". Who is it? Sloupok has long been called a slow and leisurely person, who does not think very fast. This is not a direct insult, but rather a way to tease a person, and not insult or humiliate him. Therefore the word became quite common and got on the TV screens. But where can you see the embodiment of the word "sloupok"? Who is it?

Sloupok in anime

Anime is an incredibly popular genre of animation that has a huge number of fans around the world. Most anime projects remain loved only among fans, but some become public domain. For example, the full-length animated cartoon "Spirited Away" is a masterpiece of Japanese culture that is known all over the world. It is known even by those who have never heard of anime and have no idea what kind of genre it is. But what does this have to do with the appearance on the screens of the term "sloupok"? Who is it? It's pretty simple - there is an anime series called "Pokemon", which tells about magical creatures, which are called pokemon. They are engaged in special coaches who prepare them for duels between themselves. This series has become so popular that it began to broadcast worldwide, not just in Japan, of course, it came to Russia. It is easy to guess that it was in the environment of Pokémon that this notion was reflected. One of these creatures was called Sloupok. At the same time, it took over absolutely all the features that were given to the person called the sloupouk. This Pokemon has a rather stupid appearance, does not differ in special intelligence, and is also incredibly slow. In its initial form, it can not do much, and only when it evolves in Sloubro or Slooking becomes strong. Especially in the second case, because the fans of the series consider Slooking as one of the smartest Pokémon. However, Sloupok himself is extremely stupid, and this particular character has been given this very settled expression. Now you know who Sloopok is, the meaning of this word and its origin.

Slope in Russian

In Russian, this word came just recently and, of course, is not official - you will not find it in any dictionary. However, its meaning here is completely identical to that used in the west. Only with one caveat - here it appeared only after the anime, while in the west it got into the anime already from colloquial speech. Naturally, there is no sense to explain once again what it means to sloup, because now everyone understands this. But where is it applied?

Areas of application of the word "sloupok"

The meaning of the word "sloupok" is now clear to everyone, but where can it be used? Needless to say, the use of this concept in the official speech is not acceptable, but in other cases it is quite applicable. Naturally, most often it occurs on the Internet, since it was there that it originated from the image of Sloupok in the anime. He is also used in informal communication in life, when they want to tell a person that he is slow to think. There is a huge number of various memos about Sloupuk, which do not lose relevance. By the way, it is about the relevance worth talking to separately.

The relevance of the word "sloupok"

It's not a secret for anyone that various popular words that come into colloquial speech very often leave quickly. However, "sloupok" was delayed for a long time - it is still being used. And if you want to indicate the interlocutor to his shortcomings, then he will understand you, as well as all those around him. But it is worth saying that many people no longer remember the Pokémon, because of which the term appeared. This anime in Russian-speaking countries has long lost its relevance, and the new generation is unlikely to learn how popular it was ten years ago. But the word "sloupok" and derivatives from it, for example, "slou" they can use constantly both in the network, and in life.

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